고등 영어 YBM 박준언 레슨 8
30 카드 | ybmadmin
a. 지속 가능한
Today, we have Mr. Doug Fine here to talk about a sustainable way of life.
n. 소비
He wanted to see if he could live with the least consumption of fossil fuel energy.
n. 화석
We get energy mainly from burning fossil fuels, but there are a couple of problems with that.
n. 분투
Let’s learn about his struggles to reduce his carbon emissions.
n. 탄소
When you burn fossil fuels, carbon gas is produced, which has a harmful effect on the climate.
n. 배출, 배기가스
Eating locally is another way of reducing carbon emissions.
n. 저널리스트, 기자
My name is Doug Fine, and I am a journalist.
a. 재생 가능한
Fossil fuels are not renewable, which means that sooner or later we are going to run out of them.
n. 영향
When you burn fossil fuels, carbon gas is produced, which has a harmful effect on the climate.
sooner or later
조만간, 머지않아
Fossil fuels are not renewable, which means that sooner or later we are going to run out of them.
run out of
~을 다 써 버리다
Fossil fuels are not renewable, which means that sooner or later we are going to run out of them.
a. 거대한, 막대한
Enormous ice sheets were melting away.
v. 녹다
Enormous ice sheets were melting away.
n. 전기
If it were not for electricity and transportation, we would have to live like primitive people.
n. 수송 수단
If it were not for electricity and transportation, we would have to live like primitive people.
a. 원시의
If it were not for electricity and transportation, we would have to live like primitive people.
a. 현재의, 지금의
I wanted to set up a more sustainable system of providing for them, different from the current one that is so dependent upon fossil fuel energy.
n. 혜택, 이득
You wanted to enjoy all the benefits of the modern age, only with a lot less fossil fuels.
a. 현대의
You wanted to enjoy all the benefits of the modern age, only with a lot less fossil fuels.
v. 빛나다
The sun shines almost all year round there.
DIY(Do It Yourself)
n. 디아이와이, 소비자가 직접 하기
Now a large part of the electricity used on my farm is provided by my DIY solar system.
n. 가정
After going solar, my farm uses only one tenth of the fossil fuel energy used by the average American household.
a. 훌륭한, 멋진
I came up with what I consider a brilliant idea – biofuel.
n. 바이오 연료
I came up with what I consider a brilliant idea – biofuel.
n. 디젤
I bought a diesel truck and had it converted to run on vegetable oil.
v. 개조하다, 변환하다
I bought a diesel truck and had it converted to run on vegetable oil.
n. 발명가
Rudolf Diesel, the inventor of diesel engines, actually intended for farmers to grow their own fuel.
n. 직업
I'm not a farmer by trade.
n. 발전, 진보
It’s been only a year, but I believe I’ve made significant progress.
a. 의식하고 있는, 알고 있는
If we stay aware and keep trying, I’m certain that we can build a better future.
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