Nonsense Quiz For English Learners. Enjoy ! (객관식으로 5분간)
23 카드 | googlejunsoo1
A wise robber shouts ...
Hands up ! Freeze !
What would you do if you find a $10 bill and a $100 bill on the street?
Pickup both and look around
What city has no people?
What goes up but never goes down?
Your age
Why do lions eat raw meat?
Because they never learned to cook!
What kind of witch lives on the beach?
A sandwich.
Why did King Kong climb to the top of the Empire State building?
He was too big for the elevator.
There were two ducks in front of a duck and two ducks behind a duck, and one duck in the middle. How many ducks?
3 ducks
What is the capital of Australia?
What is black and white and red all over?
A sunburnt penguin
What sport do oranges play?
What has 4 legs but cannot walk?
A chair
What is the coldest vegetable in the world?
A chilly pepper
What is the fastest chicken?
What is the 7th letter of alphabet?
They harvest ginseng in 6 years. How about wild ginseng?
As soon as they find it
Who likes ugly woman?
Plastic surgeon
Why does a dog run around when it snows?
Because foots are freezing
You can lift this with your right hand but never with your left hand.
Your left hand
Eating an apple, you find a worm. Which is worst?
Finding a half-worm
Someone is found dead with an electric fan running. What is the news title?
Gone with the wind
Who makes money in a blink of an eye?
A photographer
It is mine but others use it more than me.
My name
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