Reading Success 2nd-Book 6 (E)
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in a manner that involves focus and care
She carefully read every line of the book.
scared; afraid
The cat was frightened of the dog.
get hurt
to become injured
He got hurt when he fell.
a person riding in but not driving a vehicle
There are a lot of passengers on the bus.
a rail-line with light weight equipment and roadbed
The railroad passes through this town.
doing something dangerous and not caring about the risks and the possible results
He is a very reckless driver.
the particular events and conditions that affect someone or something at a certain time and place
The situation is getting better.
slow down
to become less active
Everyone should slow down at this curve.
very frightened
The cat was terrified of the dog.
tip over
to fall to one side
The tree tipped over from the wind.
a couple of
a pair; two or more, but not many
a couple of people are still working here.
to form a layer over something
He covered the hole so water wouldn't come in.
as much as is needed
There isn't enough food here for everyone.
for a while
during a short time
She studied for a while last night.
a show, performance, or job for a musician or performer
Her band has a gig tonight at the bar.
only just or almost not true or possible
I hardly think that is needed.
in public
in front of many people
Some people are afraid of speaking in public.
When a poem is considered lyric, it is written in a simple and direct style.
The lyrics of this song are really good.
on sale
at a discounted price
Everything in the store is on sale today.
very likely
There is probably no reason to stay.
to take things from several different areas or places and bring them together
Everyone collected as many apples as they could.
depend on
to be conditioned or determined by
We depend on police for protection.
to bother people while they are trying to do something, or prevent them from continuing
The noise disturbed his sleep all night.
electronic equipment
things like calculators and cell phones
This store sells electronic equipment.
who a person is, including their name
Nobody knew the theif's identity.
stated publicly by a person with authority
This is the official opinion on the problem.
reference material
notes and other materials that help you study
What reference material did you use?
without making any noise; soundless
The television was silent.
someone who is watches, directs, and is in charge of a task, place, or person
Her supervisor let her take a day off from work.
toilet break
a time to use the bathroom
The game was paused for a toilet break.
(with "after") to run in an attempt to catch someone or something
The dog chased the cat.
to break into small parts or crumbs
The old bridge crumbled yesterday.
to work hard on something because you consider it to be important
He dedicated his life to the study of physics.
to have a different opinion about something
Nobody could disagree with him.
to officially and legally get something such as money from someone when he or she dies
She inherited her parent's old house.
idea or habit that controls the mind
He had an obsession with working.
very valuable; worth a lot of money
That old clock is priceless.
run out of
to use up one's supply of something
I ran out of time to finish the project.
to hang loosely from something
The tent sagged under the weight of the snow.
to take the things out of the container
Don't unpack, we will be leaving soon again.
to have enough money to purchase something
She couldn't afford a new house.
to become separated
There was still a large divide between the two groups.
false teeth
teeth that are not real
Her grandfather has false teeth.
free of charge
at no cost; no need to pay
Water is free of charge here.
to show displeasure or anger by moving EYEBROWS together and moving the corners of the mouth down
He frowned when he saw the test results.
having a low price
This restaurant's food is inexpensive.
to plan to do something
He intended to finish work early.
to move the head up and down, often for the purpose of agreeing or answering "yes", or to say hello
Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.
to observe; to become aware of something
Nobody noticed that he wasn't there.
possibly; maybe
perhaps I'll take a vacation next week.
to say yes
I agree that we should leave tomorrow.
used for introducing a statement that makes a previous statement seem unlikely or surprising
although we tried, we didn't win.
to cook something in an OVEN
There is no oven, so we cannnot bake here.
decide on
to make a choice; to agree on something
Have we decided on which to choose yet?
most preferred or liked
What is your favorite movie?
fill up
an act or instance of filling up with something such as fuel
The car took a long time to fill up with gas.
to hit a door with a hand
knock on the door before entering.
to show happiness with sound and a smile
Everyone laughed at the joke.
to feel unhappy because of the absence of someone or something
She missed her friends a lot.
being inappropriate or unsuitable for a particular person or purpose
This is the wrong door.
against the law
not legal; not allowed by law
Stealing is against the law.
a cylindrical vessel used for holding or carrying liquids or solids
We put a bucket on the floor to catch the water.
comfortable and pleasant
The room was very warm and cozy.
a long period of dry weather
There was a drought last yet here.
to form ideas or images in your head that are not real
Nobody imagined how much damage there would be.
in fact
in reality or actuality
in fact this needs to be worked on more.
the ground in a park or around a home that is covered with grass that is usually kept short
The lawn was covered in mud.
low-interest loan
money borrowed from a bank that you have to repay plus a little more
They took out a low-interest loan to pay for it.
being usual, ordinary, or regular
It is normal to want more in life.
a small pool of water or liquid on the ground
There was a puddle of water on the floor.
a choice between two or more possibilities
She suggested an alternative plan.
to aid a cause, person, or group by giving something such as money, things, or services
Everyone contributed to the project.
to remove something or someone from the place it is normally at
The large boat displaced a lot of water.
an act or occurrence of releasing something
The car was built to have low emissions.
relating to the areas near the North or South POLES
The opinions of the two sides were polarized.
the possibility or chance that something will be happen, exist, or develop a certain way in the future
This test has a lot of potential to be difficult.
to state that something will happen in the future
They predicted it would rain tomorrow.
to make something smaller in size, amount, or level
I've reduced the ammount of work needed.
having a big or important effect
There was significant damage to the car.
to cause something to move into a position in which one side is above the other
The tree was tilting a lot.
as soon as
happening at just about the same time as some other thing
as soon as you finish, tell me.
a meeting or series of meetings for discussion and exchange of information
Many people came to the book conference.
without any delay, delay or distance
Everybody immediately left the room.
a person who controls and runs a business or group
Who is the manager of this shop?
happy or content
She wasn't pleased with her vacation.
to say, write, or otherwise express good things, respect, and admiration for someone or something
She praised her daughter for passing the class.
a form of communication in which a person delivers a message by talking in front of an audience
The manager will give a speech today.
wave about
to move back and forth in the air
He waved his arms about to get attention.
work on
to spend time making or doing something
I'm busy working on the project.
to tell people about something officially
They will announce the changes soon.
a trip on a large ship for pleasure
He bought two tickets for a cruise.
someone with special skill in a certain area and knows a lot about that area
She is an expert on geology.
to contain something as a part or member
Everyone was included in the meeting.
most current
The latest report says it will rain.
to be in a flat position
The books were lying on the desk.
life membership
the right to belong to a club for the rest of your life
How much does a lifetime membership cost?
great comfort as provided by expensive and beautiful possessions
Everyone lives in luxury in this city.
opening night
the first night of a play or show at the theater
Many people came for the opening night of the show.
the part of something that is left after some has been used or taken
The rest of the students already went home.
the group of people watching or listening to an event
The audience waited for the show to begin.
a prize given for doing something well
The award for this contest is very good.
an opportunity or time during which something can be done
There is a chance of rain later.
to strike the hands together in order to express appreciation or praise
The audience clapped after the show.
to be worthy
He deserved the reward he was given.
separated from one's husband or wife by law
Her friend was going to get divorced.
the state of being uncontrolled and allowed to do whatever one wants
Nobody has any freedom in that country.
at the same time
meanwhile, everyone else was studying.
to feel sad or sorry about something that happened or was not done
I regret not spending more time with my friend.
take place
This movie takes place in the future.
a person who is trained in or good at sports
She is the best athlete in the school.
a job that someone does for a long time
He spends too much time on his career.
a person whose job is to answer questions about laws, write legal papers and represent others in court
My brother is a studying to become a lawyer.
being liked or supported by a large number of people
The classes are very popular here.
acting or behaving in way that is polite and expected from someone who is well trained
He is a professional at his job.
to print a written work and make it available to read
This company publishes a lot of books.
stop by
to visit; to come over for a short time
stop by my house anytime to visit.
an extremely famous performer, especially a musician or film actor
She is a superstar in her music genre.
a question or a group of questions asked to many people in order to gather information about a particular topic
A survey suggested that people like movies.
a person whose job is to care for animal's health
He wants to be a veterinarian later in life.
a person who studies old buildings, tools, and bones to learn about ancient cultures
Her brother is an archeologist.
to start or begin an organization, institution, or system that will exist, continue, or last for a long time
This company was established 5 years ago.
relating to groups of people with a common race, background, culture, customs, or origin
The people come from a wide variety of ethnic backgrounds.
evolve from
to have developed from something specific
This project evolved from an idea last meeting.
the state that happens when every animal or plant of a certain type is dead
The extinction of the dinosaur happened million of years ago.
far away from other places
Everyone feels isolated here lately.
being connected; being of the same family
The two problems are not related.
trading post
a station in a far-away place, set up to buy and sell things
There was no news from the trading post.
with no people living there
That island is uninhabited.
a particular type of thing or person
There is a variety of food here.
an object that helps you see distant things clearly
She couldn't see anything through the binoculars.
the process of adding, by one number at a time, in order to determine the total number of people or things in a group
What is the total count of missing people today?
whole; all of
The entire school is away today.
being the most basic, primary, or significant quality of a situation or subject
Studying is essential to pass that class.
restricted in extent or amount
He has a limited ammount of time.
make sure
to become absolutely certain
make sure you don't forget your shoes.
occurring infrequently; not commonly found
It's rare for her to not be here.
a class of animal that has a body temperature to match the outside temperature, skin covered with scales, and lays eggs
The zoo has a lot of reptiles.
to remain alive
Everyone survived the crash.
come across
to discover; to find
She came across her friends at the store.
expensive and popular
He likes to eat at fancy restaurants.
find out
to discover; to learn
We will find out the test results tomorrow.
look forward to
to expect; to hope for eagerly
Everyone is looking forward to the weekend.
make plans
to make arrangements to do something
We made plans to meet this weekend.
being not exciting or IMPRESSIVE
That is a very ordinary thing to say.
honestly; really
He sincerely tried to finish the work.
at an unknown or undetermined time in the future or past
Sometimes we prefer to not go out.
a certain place or area
This is the warmest spot in the room.
to state a particular idea or plan to be considered by other people
Everyone suggested their own ideas.
brand new
extremely new
This house is brand new.
(of men) attractive
Everyone thought he was handsome.
to PARTICIPATE in an activity with others
Everyone joined in on the games.
an error; something done or thought that is incorrect
He pushed over the chair by mistake.
feeling uneasy or anxious about something
He was nervous about having to talk to his teacher.
play a note
to make a sound on a musical instrument
He played a note on the instrument to test it.
play in a band
to play a musical instrument in a band
She plays in a band with her friends.
see around
to notice someone
Have you seen him around lately?
showing that someone is nervous or afraid to talk to people
Her friend is really shy.
with, or doing something with, each other
Everyone talked together during the break.
a science dealing with the Earth's atmosphere and the space beyond
He works in the aerospace industry.
an effort to do something, usually something that is difficult
All attempts were unsuccessful before now.
a person in charge of a corporation
They will get a new chairperson today.
to move around in a circle
My friends and I circled the school grounds on our bicycles.
a person who exercises authority
The commander was very demanding.
increase or improvement
This technology is a great leap forward.
human beings as a group
mankind has progressed a long way.
to choose someone or something carefully from a group of possibilities
Which choice did you select?
test pilot
a person who flies planes to test their performance
She wanted to have a career as a test pilot.
nearly but not quite
We almost have arrived.
from the beginning to the end of something
We watched television during the rain.
green pepper
a hollow green vegetable with seeds inside
She doesn’t like to eat green peppers.
in general
usually; mainly
in general, nobody uses this room.
to request something or ask someone to attend an event or go somewhere in a formal, polite manner
Did you invite John to your party?
to place a request for a product or food or drink
Dravot ordered the villagers to bring him a wife.
a group of people who work for a company or business
The staff have a vacation today.
to cause someone to respond with shock by doing something unexpected
Let’s surprise him when he comes home.
take a survey
to answer a set of questions in order to get information about something
We took a survey to see who wanted to move.
surprising because something was not expected
Her unexpected arrival confused all our plans.
(plural "cacti") a fleshy plant that grows in hot, dry areas and stores its own water
She bought a new cactus for the shelf.
to remove dirt, dust, and other impurities
I spent all day cleaning the house.
to express negative thoughts or emotions
Everyone was complaining at the amount of work.
to have as a price
The trip costs too much.
providing help
He was always helpful at the office.
to give a job to someone in exchange for pay
We hired a new employee today.
a female servant in a house or hotel
He hired a new maid to clean the house.
rock garden
a garden with medium-sized rocks with plants growing among them
They have a rock garden behind the house.
a small leafed plant with many wooden stems
We planted a new shrub in the garden.
a wild, unwanted plant that grows very quickly and prevents other more desirable plants from growing or developing properly
There are a lot of weeds in the lawn.
even though
in spite of the fact
even though we tried hard, we didn't finish.
fall in love
to become enamored, a strong feeling of attraction
She fell in love with her friend.
to repair something
The air conditioner needs to be fixed.
in time
after a while; eventually
Did you arrive in time for the movie?
kind of
a little
Mangosteen is a kind of fruit that is sweet and juicy.
the process or activity of performing an action repeatedly in order to improve a skill
The boy went to soccer practice after school.
to cause someone to remember something that they have forgotten
I reminded him to bring his paperwork.
in very little time from now
We will leave soon.
try out
to see how skillful one is in something
Do you want to try out the car?
work in
to add one thing to another
Let's work in the details.
a place where sports, performances, and other kinds of entertainment are watched
The arena was full of people.
being extremely large in size or amount
The building was colossal.
the man who rules an empire
The emperor wasn't popular.
an ancient Roman fighter
gladiators lived short lives.
an easily recognizable or important structure that is easy to see
There should be a landmark up ahead.
someone who suffers or is killed for their beliefs, and is usually respected and remembered by others who share the same beliefs
He is regarded as a martyr within his religion.
to kill a large number of people
Panthers continued to be massacred in the name of sport until the 6th century.
not genuine or real, but attempting to appear so
We created a mock-up of the book.
to ill-treat, oppress or harass
Her people were persecuted in her country.
to EMIT something like a wave
A lot of heat is radiating from the fire.
to do something that causes a change in someone's situation
Pollution is affecting everyone around the city.
a state or quality in which people or things are not like each other
There is no difference between the two people here.
a scientific test that is performed to study something and see how it reacts to different conditions
The experiment showed that flowers need sunlight to grow.
the process of growing or developing naturally
There has been a lot of growth in the garden.
to give an answer without knowing whether it is correct
I will guess that it will be difficult.
the distance something is from the ground
What is the height of the building?
to attach a slip of paper or cloth to an object in order to describe or give information about it
Every shirt in the store needs to be labelled.
to determine the size or amount of something or someone
I already measured the room.
an attitude or belief about something
What is your opinion on this matter?
being very much like someone or something else
Are there any similar options?
the way someone or something acts
Good behavior is generally rewarded.
When someone is disobedient, they do not follow the rules or instructions.
That dog is always disobedient.
ashamed; feeling bad about something that you did
He was embarrased because he didn't finish his work.
to talk about something in a way that is clear and easy to understand
Can you explain this problem?
to make something better
This presentation needs to be improved before tomorrow.
make a difference
to improve a bad situation; to have a good effect
It won't make a difference if you study tonight.
always doing what someone else demands
Her daughter is very obedient.
to strike something with great force repeatedly
I pounded on the door but it wouldn't open.
in good order
This room is very tidy.
having good manners; being polite and respectful
The children are well-behaved in this class.
as long as
provided that
as long as we are here, we should work.
causing or characterized by a lack of social grace, leading to shame or discomfort
The meeting was very awkward.
in a manner that is greater, more significant, or important than usual
She especially dislikes lemonade.
get used to
to become comefortable; to grow accustomed
It will take a long time to get used to the new schedule.
to a degree; rather
It is quite hot outside today.
being extra, held in case of need; available to be used or borrowed
There should be a spare tire over there.
thick thread
This guitar needs new strings.
to guess, assume, or believe
I suppose I'll go tomorrow.
turn down the volume
to reduce the noise of something
Can you turn down the volume on the radio?
being useful or important
That information will be very valuable.
being possible to use or obtain
How many people are available for the task?
to stay away from something
We avoid that building.
not being formal
The atmosphere is very casual here.
a decrease in the regular price
There is a big discount on clothes at this store today.
half price
discounted by 50 percent of the regular price
Everything in the store is half price.
to present someone with something to be either taken or refused
He offered his customer a good deal.
to buy something with money
She purchased new shoes.
a statement listing what you have purchased or paid for and the amount you paid
He kept the receipt after he purchased the shoes.
to mark an object with a picture, word, pattern, etc.
The letter was stamped with his address.
having a particular value, usually in money
How much is this clock worth?
the smallest part of an element
Nobody can see atoms.
to steady something by spreading its weight equally
He can balance a ball on his nose.
a moving section of a body of water
The current is broken.
magnetic field
an area that a magnet affects
The object has its own magnetic field.
in mathematics, being less than zero
This has a negative charge.
not having a positive or negative electrical charge
The charge is neutral on this.
the center of an ATOM
Every atom has a nucleus.
the path taken by an object as it circles around another object
All the planets in space are constantly in orbit.
one of the tiny pieces of matter that form an ATOM
There are a lot of dust particles in the air.
showing the presence of a substance or condition in a scientific or medical test
It has a positive charge.
the region or JOINT between the foot and the leg
He broke his ankle when he fell down.
a job that someone does for a long time
He spends too much time on his career.
to work or concentrate
focus your attention on the screen.
get out of
to center one's attention on
get out of the room.
give up
to stop doing something permanently
I gave up trying to finish this project already.
to a large or extreme degree
Her mother was seriously worried about her grades.
a guilty or embarrassed feeling
She felt shame because she didn't pass her class.
to say something in a loud way
He shouted to be heard.
hurting; causing pain
Her foot is sore from running.
causing emotional stress
This job is very stressful.
as if
as it would be if
as if he could ever swim that far.
money in the form of coins instead of paper
He hates carrying lots of change in his wallet.
the act of saying goodbye and leaving
He said farewell to his friend, and got on the train.
have trouble
to have difficulty
She has trouble studying lately.
the act of telling people your name for the first time
She gave a good introduction to everyone.
mixed feelings
a mix of positive and negative feelings about something
I've had mixed feelings about leaving.
possibly; maybe
perhaps I'll take a vacation next week.
occurring only a short time ago
Is this news article recent?
the act of stopping work or a career, often after having reached a certain age
He is close to retirement age.
a person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker.
Nobody likes a bully.
feel sorry for
to have pity on
He felt sorry for his friend.
to show happiness with sound and a smile
Everyone laughed at the joke.
to understand or sense something
He realized he couldn't do it by himself.
show off
to boast
He shows off too much.
showing poor judgment; foolish
The movie was rather silly.
in an occasional manner
sometimes I oversleep.
to be in a position where you are on your feet and not sitting
Everyone stood up from their desks.
knowing that something is correct
I'm sure that I heard someone.
an act that achieves some end unfairly
The magician performed tricks on stage.
a chemical substance that tastes sour and can sometimes burn the things that it touches
Be careful with that acid.
people with power, such as the police or a government
The authorities should know about the problem.
to represent something by using a picture
This painting depicts life long ago.
to make a liquid weaker or thinner by adding another liquid or water to it
The water will dilute the poison.
to find something for the first time
We should discover what is in the box.
the act or process of moving to a different place or position
There was a lot of movement in the bush.
a career or regular job
What is her occupation going to be after school?
on duty
working at a particular time
Who is on duty this morning?
to spread through many parts of something
The nail penetrated the wood.
a painting, drawing or photograph of a person's head and shoulders
He bought a new portrait of himself.
be sure to
an expression used to remind someone to do something
be sure to lock the doors when you leave the house.
to defeat someone or something in a contest or competition
Her team beat the other.
being unafraid or courageous
The brave man went into the fire to save his daughter.
trying hard to get something or do something
We were determined to finish the work on time.
to damage or cause physical or emotional pain to someone or something
She injured herself playing football.
of course
without a doubt
of course you can bring your friends.
an occasion in which one is able to do something
This job will be a good opportunity.
to show that something is true or correct by providing evidence
Can you prove that this is true?
a group of games in tennis
They have finished 3 sets already.
throw up
to vomit
He threw up on the floor.
a positioning of the body that can express a mood or emotion
She has a good attitude towards studying.
to give a loud shout of encouragement to someone
Everyone cheered after their team won.
having or showing confidence
She was confident she would pass the test.
being in the past; having occurred at a time before now
The former leader did a poor job.
make headlines
to be written about in the newspapers
That news has been making headlines all week.
to talk formally about or introduce something, such as a research study, to the public
He got a lot of presents for his birthday.
pull ahead
to start to do better than someone else
He really pulled ahead of the others.
to stop working at a job, usually due to reaching a certain age
I'm going to retire for a week.
to give a certain impression of something
It seems to be raining outside.
the ability to do something successfully, as a result of training, experience and practice
He does his job skillfully.
something good that you have successfully done
He earned a lot of achievements in sports.
assistant principal
someone who helps the head of an elementary, middle, or high school
The new assistant principal used to be a teacher here.
a period of time when something or someone stops an activity before continuing again later
Let's take a break for a few hours.
a group of people who sing together, for example in church services or public performances
The choir will practiice every day singing.
to praise someone for achieving something
He congratulated his friend for his work.
to receive a degree from a school, college or university
My class will graduate next month.
to refer to something briefly; to write or speak about something briefly
Don't mention school to him today.
a LOCATION, such as a building, point, or town
Where is his place in the company?
to begin again
He sent his resume to a lot of companies.
a pleased and happy feeling that you get when you achieve or receive something
He felt no satisfaction from his work.
not bright; not being clear
The lights in the room are too dim.
a condition in which body temperature is above normal
This sap can help lower a fever.
something that prevents a person from performing certain physical or mental actions or functions
He lost a leg in an accident and now has a physical handicap.
in front of
If someone or something is in front of someone or something else, it is close to the front part of that person or thing
A lot of people are in front of the restaurant.
a building or room in which a scientist performs experiments or conducts research
This university has a good laboratory.
clothing worn over regular clothes to keep them clean
Some people wear overalls when doing their jobs.
a legal right to an invention by a person or company that prevents anyone else from making or selling that product
The inventor got a patent for his invention.
the liquid which comes out on the surface of your skin when you are hot or frightened
The players were all covered in perspiration.
stock exchange
a place to buy and sell stocks
She pays attention to the stock exchange every day.
to send something using waves, such as radio or television waves
I've already transmitted the document.
a person who is a member of the highest or wealthiest social group, often holding a title granted by royalty
She always wanted to be a rich aristocrat.
a set of laws by which a group of people or nation is governed
A new constitution will be written.
an amount of money that is owed to another
The country has a lot of debt.
to say something openly or officially
She delcared that she was leaving soon.
a group of people
The estate will be meeting tonight.
to kill someone, usually as a punishment
The criminal was executed this morning.
a machine used to cut off people's heads for punishment
The king lost his head to a guillotine.
to establish a rule or apply a penalty, usually by an authority
The government imposed new laws this week.
the state of one country having freedom from the control of another country
The country declared independence 30 years ago.
to remove a leader or a governing body from a position of power, often with force
The people overthrew the government.
a suggestion or an opinion regarding what someone should or should not do
His father always had advice for everyone.
a blank book in which one writes what one has thought or done each day
He kept a diary of his travels.
to believe or expect something
He figured he had lots of time to get there.
the study of the LOCATIONS of countries, oceans, mountains, and other physical features
geography is a popular choice for first year students.
a meeting at which one person or party answers the questions of another
There will be an interview tonight.
old and gray
very old
Her mother was old and gray.
to act in a certain way in order to fool others
I spent a lot of time at work pretending to be busy today.
to study in order to discover new ideas and facts
We had to research a magazine article.
course of study
What is the subject of today's meeting?
to cover something thinly with a substance
The house was coated in fresh paint.
(for liquid) to flow away from a place slowly
The water couldn't drain through a small hole.
finger bowl
a small bowl with water for cleaning your fingers after eating
Some restaurants have finger bowls.
to remove the outside layer or skin from fruit or vegetables
Can you peel this apple?
to clean with hard rubbing
The dirty sink floor will have to be scrubbed.
to cut something into narrow pieces
These papers need to be shredded.
to shower water on plants
Next the recipie says to sprinkle salt over it.
to use the gas produced by boiling water to cook, clean, or heat something
Plants were steamed to collect oils.
in a complete way, without missing any part or detail
The car was thoroughly broken.
all of a thing; entire
They ate the whole cake in about fifteen minutes.
to bother or slightly anger someone
The sound coming from outside is annoying.
in a manner that is greater, more significant, or important than usual
This room especially needs to be cleaned.
more than what is normal or expected
There is lots of extra food on the table.
the ceremony held for a person who has died
The funeral for the victim will be next week.
make sure
to become absolutely certain
He made sure to lock the door.
pay attention
to listen closely; to focus
The students were not paying attention to the teacher.
to get something
Everyone who comes here today will receive a gift.
turn in
to hand in
turn in your homework tomorrow morning.
a person gives private instruction to a student
She is looking for a new English tutor.
troubled, worried, or angered
I'm upset about failing the test.
to take air into and push it out of the lungs
The air was too hot to breathe.
to make a hole with a DRILL
Workers drill holes in the rocks.
to remove something that is no longer wanted or needed
All the mistakes were eliminated from the document.
very large; unusually large
There was an enormous mountain in front of them.
to get a substance out of a plant by using chemicals or machines
She extracted the juice from the orange.
a material used to produce heat or power when burned
The car is out of fuel.
one of the two parts of the body that allows people to breathe by drawing in, holding, and pushing out air
His lungs hurt from breathing in too much smoke.
an animal that has hair or fur and drinks milk from its mother
Dogs are mammals.
with a smooth shape
The new car was very streamlined.
with constant high body heat in any temperature
Humans are warm-blooded.
a presentation of reasons for or against an idea or point of view
Both sides presented their arguments.
the act of helping someone
Everyone offered their assistance.
to hit something and cause damage
The car crashed into the wall.
a bad part of a person's personality or behavior
Whose fault is this problem?
to tell someone that something will happen or that you will do something
He promised to be on time for class.
to show that something is true or correct by providing evidence
It's impossible to prove some things are true.
to respond by speech, writing or action
He never reply to the email that I sent him.
rush up
to go quickly
The students rushed up to the desk.
a path with a hard surface beside one or both sides of a road, that people walk on
The sidewalk is slippery today.
a person who gives evidence in a court of law
There were no witnesses to the crime.
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