Reading Pass-Book 3 (E)
202 카드 | CompassPublishing
to let someone do something
My parents will allow me to have a birthday party.
an event where people attempt to do things better than others in order to win
The students had a contest to see who was the fastest runner in class.
an important part of something
The porch is a particularly attractive feature of the building.
the way in which something is organized or formed
You need to follow our format so that your project matches ours.
the average amount of time that passes between when an individual is born and when that individual's children are born
The disease was passed down through three generations.
a person QUALIFIED to give an opinion on a particular subject
The judges will be looking for originality in the artists work.
to do something to entertain an audience, such as singing a song, acting a part, playing an instrument, etc.
Who is performing at tonight's show?
a plan of things to do in order to reach a certain goal or result
Tonight's program will include dogs that do tricks.
to get something
Did you receive your acceptance letter in the mail?
being unfamiliar or not known
His place of birth is unknown.
to express an opinion or choice by raising one's hand, casting a vote, or speaking
The citizens will vote for a new mayor next week.
the result of an action
What was the consequence of the meeting?
capable of producing the wanted result without wasting resources such as time, money or energy
Computers allow us to be more efficient with our work time.
well-known or easily recognized
I am quite familiar with the way they do business.
to set something up, such as a piece of EQUIPMENT or a computer program, so that it is ready to use
You must install this program before you can begin.
to affect, involve, or associate someone or something with a particular condition or situation
My son will get involved in some afterschool activities.
daily habits and living conditions
She has a very carefree lifestyle.
to produce or grow something naturally
Plants and trees produce oxygen we need to breathe.
a piece of work that is planned out, has a specific goal, and often takes some time to complete
He has started a new project at school.
to free someone from a duty or responsibility
The stove released a lot of heat into the kitchen.
responsible for
책임이 있는
She is responsible for all of these damages to the car.
show up
to appear or arrive at a place
The guests will show up around noon.
a piece of equipment that is not necessary for a device to work properly but increases the value or improves the appearance
Many men use accessories like watches and cuff links when they get dressed.
real or true; existing in reality
This is the actual dress worn by her in the movie.
a public sale where goods are sold to the person who offers the highest price for them
I bought this antique table at an auction.
to combine different elements or substances
She tried to blend too many colors.
check out
testing something for accuracy
Did you check out the main story in the newspaper?
a small room used for storage
My sister has so many clothes in her closet.
to do too much of something
Some people really overdo it when it comes to wearing perfume.
a sudden or unexpected increase in amount
There has been a sudden surge in his popularity.
old, but high quality
My grandparents own a vintage car from the 1950's.
something good or positive added to an already acceptable situation
We always get a Christmas bonus at my company.
an official legal agreement between different people, groups, companies, or organizations
Most people have to sign a contract when they go to work for a company.
a form of praise
Who gets the credit for discovering the secret?
a choice made after giving consideration
I hope that she makes the best decision for her family.
extremely angry
My mother was furious when she saw the mess the kids had made.
to cause two or more things to become combined into one
Our company has had to merge with another to be more effective.
to be a sign or symbol of something
The color red represents danger.
a job, task or person that one is expected to complete or care for
It is my responsibility to pay for all the bills.
the power or skill to do something
She has the ability to operate the machinery.
the primary city of a country or state that is home to the government of that country or state
The capital of Russia is Moscow.
not being formal
The office where I work at has a very casual atmosphere.
to do something special for a holiday or other event
We celebrated my parents anniversary last week.
the ideas or meanings expressed in a speech or piece of writing
They played in the snow to their heart's content.
to damage something so that it cannot be repaired
The hurricane destroyed many homes.
made up of people or things that are different from one another
My school has a diverse collection of people.
the entire group of individuals who are born in and live during roughly the same time
In my generation, children were much more polite to their parents.
the act of moving forward
Have you made much progress on your homework?
involving action or physical effort
Most puppies are very active.
the ideas, facts, or opinions presented in a book, film, speech, or other presentation
The content of the movie is not for young viewers.
to help a cause, person, or group by giving money, things, or services
I often contribute to charity.
to stop being VISIBLE
The clouds disappeared and the sun came out.
in charge of
controlling; responsible for
Sarah is in charge of decorating the room for the party.
to act with something else in order to produce a particular effect
interacting with others is a great way to learn new ideas.
a copy of something that is usually smaller than the real thing
I didn't understand the project until I saw a model of it yesterday.
being accepting of what happens without reacting or trying to change things
If you are too passive you will never get anything you want.
to look something over closely, especially for shortcomings
Please review all of your paperwork before you mail it out.
to take responsibility for an error or mistake
I had to admit the truth in front of the entire class.
a substance used as a medicine to help or cure a condition
You should never take drugs without a doctor's permission.
Her makeup was flawless.
get to
to reach a goal
Standing too close to a fire will get to your eyes.
look up to
to view someone with respect
He looks up to his father.
the act of surgically cutting a part of the body in order to cure disease
The operation on his foot was successful.
the state of being alone and away from others
Having privacy these days is harder to come by.
something that is owned by a person, a group, or a business
When he left Europe, he sold all of his property.
to connect two or more things, or show how things are connected
Her back injury is related to her hobby of golf.
to experience a particular type of pain or illness
I suffer from bad headaches.
capable of being paid for without difficulty
Their newest car is affordable for most middle-class families.
break down
to stop working; out of order
Their government is breaking down.
to become less in amount, size or number
In the fall, the amount of daylight decreases.
to talk about the details of something
Can you please describe what he was wearing?
the difference between several groups, things or people
There is a big gap between the rich and poor.
occurring currently; continuing
Education is an ongoing process.
a set amount of time defined by the events that take place between the start and end
World War II was a difficult period in world history.
a good characteristic
The strength of our hotel is our people.
the money that a person earns that is based on the hours, days, or weeks that they worked
Often it takes a while for someone to earn a good wage.
a scientific test that is performed to study something and see how it reacts to different conditions
Scientists conduct many experiments that teach us many things.
in addition to what has recently been said
We saw rabbits, furthermore there were deer everywhere.
a particular position or area
Our new apartment is in a very good location.
believing that good things will happen or that bad things will get better
Even though things are tough, try to be optimistic.
point of view
an opinion; a perspective
Helen has a different point of view than the CEO.
the place or person from which something necessary or desired comes
What is the source of this story?
continuing or lasting for a limited or short time
He took a temporary job in the summer.
tend to
usually act a certain way or do a certain thing
This style of cell phone tends to break easily.
to take someone or something from one place to another in a vehicle
Trucks are used to transport goods to stores.
to feel surprised about something
I often wonder about technology.
to cause someone to worry
I was concerned about your health.
not to allow someone to do something or something to be done
If you forbid them go into your room, they will listen.
relating to or affecting all the things or people in a group
In general, you should always ask questions if you don't completely understand something.
I heard through the grapevine that you are getting promoted.
indicates that there will be a bad result if something is done, not done, or done improperly
You should leave now otherwise you will be stuck in traffic.
to be involved and actively included in something, usually with others
We did not participate in this mornings exercises.
pass around
They passed around the good news.
the act of doing one's work or completing an activity
Her performance in the classroom will help her in the future.
the manner in which people, groups or countries behave toward one another
I have a very good relationship with my aunt.
having the qualities of life; not dead
The memory of celebrities like Elvis Presley remain alive.
to be thankful or grateful for something or someone
I can appreciate good wine.
die out
to become extinct, to stop existing
Drive-in theaters have died out in the United States.
to place stress on something to show its importance
The store had an add in the paper to emphasize their products.
in a manner that is greater, more significant, or important than usual
She is good at sports especially tennis.
a building where machines are used to make large amounts of products
Many factories are tying to reduce the amount of pollution they make.
go into
to enter
I've decided to go into politics.
the physical substance, such as wood or metal, that something is made of
His jacket is made from very light material.
to help something continue to exist in good condition
They have preserved their special way of painting for younger generations.
a collection of valuable things, often stored or hidden
This painting is a real treasure to me.
to be in sight; to arrive at a place
As the fire grew, clouds of smoke appeared in the sky.
the act or result of combining things together
I ordered a combination meal that came with a drink and dessert.
a statement made about something
I suppose his criticism was fair comment.
giving useful information
Mrs. Kim's lecture was very informative.
something or someone that is very important or is necessary for something to survive
Rice is a mainstay of many Asian meals.
to keep something working properly by regularly checking for and fixing any problems
It costs a lot of money to maintain this luxury car.
being very heavy, solid, or large in size
The massive electric bill surprised him.
to determine the size or amount of something or someone
Were you able to measure the amount of rainfall last night?
an occasion in which one is able to do something
He has a good opportunity to receive an academic scholarship.
to print a written work and make it available to read
That book was first published in 1980, but it is still popular today.
(usually plural) a supply of something that can be used for needs
The Internet is a good resource for students.
a sudden solution of a problem leading to further advances
She won the Nobel Prize for her breakthrough research in medicine.
a serious and emotional debate which involves many people
There was a lot of controversy about his decision to quit his job.
depending on
determined by conditions or circumstances that follow
depending on when he finishes work, we will leave for the party.
without a limit or end
A good education can give one limitless possibilities for the future.
to disagree with something or someone, or try to stop or prevent something
I am opposed to her idea of lending him the keys to the car.
a particular quality and ability of someone or something that can be developed into something better
He has the potential to be a good leader.
to make a copy of something; to produce something again
We were not able to reproduce the same success that she had.
the act of keeping within certain limits
There is only one restriction you need to look over.
well defined and clearly stated
I chose a specific table by the window.
treatment intended to help fix one's problem or medical illness
I had to go to therapy to make my knee stronger after the accident.
a medicine that is used to fight certain kinds of diseases
The doctor on call gave her an antibiotic shot.
a substance created through a chemical process
In some countries, there are chemicals in the drinking water like fluoride.
work of mind or body required to do something
It took a lot of effort to complete this task.
to make someone experience something, often something harmful
She was exposed to some rare virus at the laboratory.
My sister and I frequently spend Sundays together.
being totally different from
The twins have totally opposite personalities.
to extend a finger or other object in a particular direction for the purpose of showing something to someone
Did he point out all of her mistakes on the test?
having happened before the present time or event
His previous job was as a waiter.
one of the four parts of the year determined mainly by the weather during that time
A raincoat is a must in the rainy season.
to experience or recognize the FLAVOR of food or drink
I could not taste any sugar in the cake.
a substance that is healthy for your body and can be found in foods or taken as a medicine
Foods like ice cream and candy have very few vitamins.
a disadvantage or problem
The president's new plan has few drawbacks.
the right to create a division of a company, use its name, and sell its goods or services
We are thinking about buying into a coffee franchise.
give up
to stop doing something permanently
The teacher encouraged his students to never give up their dreams.
not relying on receiving necessary support from
The small country wanted its independence from England.
an official certificate which grants a person permission to do or have something
I received my driver's license when I was 16.
the action or business of promoting
They are marketing their new product on TV and radio.
despite something that has already been mentioned or established
They had a minor emergency but they will still be here nevertheless.
the process of accepting some reality or its importance or official status
I looked at him for a moment but there was no sign of recognition.
the money a business collects in exchange for goods or services
We do not have enough revenue to cover our expenses.
something, often money, given or received in return for good work or behavior
She was given a reward for all of her hard work.
to believe someone to be honest and reliable
I trust my mother. She would never hurt me.
to become unclear or indistinct
A horizon blurred by a grey mist.
being physically relaxed and at ease
That hotel has very comfortable rooms.
a statement made about something
After you observe her performance, please make some comments.
to make something happen or exist
Will you create new characters for your next story?
an important part of something
She has typical Asian features.
an imaginary creature that is often large and frightening
His costume was of a monster from his favorite movie.
being the first or happening first
She sung an original song she wrote herself.
refer to
point to; indicate
If you have problems please refer to your manual.
the specific area of one's field in which one works
My specialty is cooking Mexican food.
different, unusual
My friend is strange. He eats money.
take over
to take control
After her poor performance, I had to take over her responsibilities.
always being or acting the same
The students have shown consistent improvement over the year.
to cause something to end with certain results
My parents will decide on where we will go to for our vacation.
the amount of space between two points
There is a great distance between my office and home.
to enter a place for the purpose of taking control of it
The enemy will try to invade our territory.
easy to see or understand
The answer to the question is obvious.
the way that a word is PRONOUNCED
He has excellent pronunciation.
a person who has been educated and has a great knowledge of a particular area of study
He is one of the best scholar in his field.
to move two or more people or things away from each other
You should separate your dark-colored clothes from your whites when you're doing the laundry.
a level of quality used to judge something
Everyone has to follow our company standards.
to experience something, especially something negative
The country is undergoing many changes.
a particular variety of something that is different than other varieties of the same thing
Are you using a new version of the software?
somebody with limited skill in, or knowledge of, an activity
My nephew is an amateur bowler.
a feeling of certainty in one's own capacity to succeed
You should have confidence in your skills.
(of liquid, gas or electricity) to move steadily and easily in a particular direction
The water flowed over the sink and onto the floor.
a strong desire or need
Besides talent, they must have focus, confidence, and a hunger to win.
not to notice or consider someone or something
Just ignore my sister when she bothers you.
a very strong influence
The snow will have a(n) impact on travel today.
the likelihood that something will happen
The odds are that we will be leaving by this afternoon.
used to describe how well or poorly someone completes a task
Who will perform all of these tasks?
the process of attempting to achieve something or to find someone or something
He is in pursuit of another career.
excellent, wonderful
My experience with hiking was terrific!
to give a suggestion or an opinion regarding what someone should or should not do
My lawyer advised me to talk to you about the accident.
to switch something from one state, method or purpose to another
You should convert your American dollars into Korean won.
being very old
elderly people ride the subway for free in Seoul.
in turn
차례로, 이번에는
Each generation in turn must face the same basic problems.
very much
They worked intensively on the new project.
interesting and unexpected, worthy of notice
The movie was remarkable.
having to do with or involving RESPIRATION
respiratory problems are common in areas with air pollution.
to return a thing to it's original condition by fixing, painting, repairing, or cleaning it
We decided to buy an old house and restore it.
having poisonous qualities
Those chemicals are very toxic to people.
being very large in size or amount
She had to do a(n) vast amount of research.
the ability to be seen by others
The fog reduced our visibility.
a person whose job is to judge the quality of something
There are many critics of the president.
information or facts about something often used when examining or calculating something
After gathering all the data, write a report.
to accept something gladly
She was quick to embrace the opportunity.
to make a general guess or judgment without using exact calculations regarding the value, quality, or nature of something
Can you estimate how much it will cost?
to bring things together
We had to gather all the books on the subject.
the state of being alone and away from others
All people need some privacy in their lives.
to buy something with money
Did you purchase anything from the duty free store?
the possibility or chances that something bad or undesirable will happen in the future
I am at risk of losing my job if my performance does not improve.
a natural object in space that moves in a circle around another object, such as a moon
satellites high above the Earth also look down on us.
the condition of being safe from danger or harm
My family's security is very important to me.
to follow something, usually an animal, by the marks or signs it left behind while moving
He was not able to track all of his moves.
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