Reading Jump Plus-Book 3 (E)
197 카드 | CompassPublishing
a state of utter confusion or disorder
The house was in chaos after the party.
the state of not feeling well
He still suffers considerable discomfort from his injury.
the state of owning or having a legal right to something
I claim ownership of the vehicle after I buy it.
a person who explores or creates new ideas and methods
miniatureaPicasso was a pioneer of cubism.
perform or show again
This program is being rerun in response to the requests of the netizens.
to sound clearly for a long time
The voice of the children's choir resonated through out the church.
being very unreasonable or stupid
She had white leather pants and a bright green shirt on and looked ridiculous.
to produce a very loud, deep sound
The lion roars when it is hungry.
having a big or important effect
His girlfriend had a significant place in his heart.
the stomach area of a person
After he ate too much, the man felt pain in his abdomen.
extremely confusing
The students complained about the bewildering instructions on the test.
come up with
develop; invent
We need to come up with a solution to the problem fast!
difficult, not easy
For me science is too complicated to understand.
to live in a certain area or place
Bats tend to inhabit dark places like caves.
to move skillfully
Every year the army and navy hold maneuver for practice.
the small, hollow or raised area in the middle of your stomach
I got my navel pierced, and my mother got angry!
to protect something from harm, loss or damage
Environment must be preserved for future generation.
to exist or continue for a particular length of time
The bottle was about a span long.
to make a reasonable guess
I surmised from his looks that he was very poor then.
할당, 분배, 몫
the king gave large allotments of land to each of his barons, who would each establish a manor.
decided in advance seemingly by a higher power
The boy seems destined to become famous.
to divide something among or give out to people
The teacher distributed the tests after the bell rang.
(old-fashioned) being very good or wonderful
Do you believe in a divine force that controls all destiny?
to make something higher
She was elevated to one of the highest positions in the government.
to impose by legal authority
The citizens of the colony protested when the king levied new taxes on them.
the main house or mansion on an estate
The stone walls of the ancient manor still stand today.
an advantage or right that is given to only a certain person or group of people
It has been our privilege to serve you on this flight.
course of study
All of the king’s subjects bowed as the king passed by on his horse.
based on what many people have said or believe to be true
According to many people, he is supposedly a good player.
the type of money that is used in a particular country
I couldn't buy anything on my trip because I didn't have any of that country's currency.
to make it easier for an event to occur
The telephone is a way to facilitate communication between people who are apart.
relating to or involving GEOGRAPHY
This particular geographic region has many unique mountains and other physical features.
in or with respect to history or the past
historically, powerful nations were able to protect their interests.
an area of low land that is always wet and soft and has a lot of plants
You can usually find many dangerous animals living in a marsh, such as poisonous snakes.
to begin using the newest tools, methods, or technology
I want to modernize my grandparents' fashion.
a large area of land, usually used for cattle and livestock
The cows were out in the pasture this morning.
the state of being economically successful
The country's future prosperity depends on the education of its children.
to bring back; recover
Starting in the 7th century, people began to reclaim the land from the sea by building walls to keep back the sea.
relating to the regular rising and falling of the level of the ocean
Surfers use small tidal waves to ride on their boards.
to choose someone for a position or give them a certain duty
The president will appoint the new secretary at the meeting next week.
a person being considered for some role, such as a job, membership in a group or government office
A candidate for president must prove that he or she is ready for the position.
the tactful handling of sensitive relationships
He discussed the sensitive issue between the two sides with great diplomacy.
a person who acts for his or her government in matters with foreign governments
A diplomat has to meet leaders of different countries.
to make someone have the desire to do something
The book was written to inspire all artist to pursue their dreams.
being important or well known
Her father is a prominent doctor who is known and respected by many other doctors.
to make a system or organization better by changing it
The old laws were reformed to take into account the present social situation.
to make a decision to do something
She resolved that she would never see him again.
having one opinion agreed to by everyone
The decision to build a new school was unanimous, no one was against it.
To forbid while in a position of authority
The president vetoed the latest tax bill.
to give up the throne
Her illness forced her to abdicate her role as chairperson of the committee.
to murder an important individual by sudden or secret attack
A crazy man tried to assassinate the president, but he failed.
someone who is hurt or killed in a war, accident, or disaster
It was a big earthquake, but no casualties have been reported.
relating to an economic system based on government control of capital and labor
Lenin was a communist leader during the Russian Revolution.
to force a person to leave a place such as a country or organization
The town expelled the dangerous invader.
having the ability to influence someone or something
Albert Einstein was very influential in the development of the atomic bomb.
to remove a leader or a governing body from a position of power, often with force
King Twala is a cruel king. Why don’t the people rise up and overthrow him?
existing and accepting something for a set period of time
We received a provisional list of names because the final list of names is not available yet.
to get something new to put in the place of something that is old, broken or missing
I have to replace the battery in my watch.
a condition in which there is a lack of something necessary
Food shortage and military losses during World War I caused people to revolt.
a person who buys and uses products and services
She was a smart consumer who knew how to save money.
to decrease in amount, strength or importance
Our sales are declining due to the poor economy.
something pleasing because of its good taste, or for being uncommon
Snails are a delicacy in France.
at risk of extinction
The Panda is an endangered animal.
to get a substance out of a plant by using chemicals or machines
The perfume is made from essential oils that were extracted from tropical flowers.
not real; made to look like something real
My hand bag was made from fake alligator skin.
an amount that is most or more than half of a group of people or things
A majority of the employees received a salary increase, but a few did not.
a material made from thread or wires with evenly spaced holes that allows water or air to pass through
I like to work out in mesh clothes, so I don't get as sweaty.
of a main purpose; chiefly
Baseball is primarily a summer sport because it's played outside.
being very little in amount
When it did not rain for three months in a row, water became very scarce.
a privileged ruling class
Princess Diana's father was a member of the British aristocracy.
to state something unproven to be true
She claimed she graduated from Harvard University, but no one believed her.
to begin to do or use something new, especially regarding a policy
The school implemented a new uniform policy for its students.
능력 위주 사회, 수재 교육제도
ved in meritocracy, a system under which a person’s status in society is based on his knowledge and skills.
a set of ideas about the right and wrong ways of behaving
Old fables dealt with morality and the correct behavior for life.
to feel very sad about something, often the death of someone
The family mourned the death of the grandfather.
a person who studies important or serious matters, and often creates new ideas
Plato is considered to be one of the great thinkers in history.
to transfer something from one person or place to another
Cell phones are transmittal devices that send voice information through waves.
to act toward someone in a particular way
You must treat your pets with kindness.
a person who fights in a battle and is experienced, courageous, or skilled
Immediately, all the warriors raised their spears and shouted, "Koom!"
a gathering or assembly
Earthquakes occur at the convergence of plates, known as faults.
the act of damaging beyond repair
Nuclear weapons are examples of weapons of mass destruction.
a person who studies the qualities of and changes to Earth's rocks, layers, and physical features
My friend is a geologist. He takes soil samples to his lab to examine them for their elements.
to make less severe or serious
The girl's problems were mitigated when another adolescent confessed to the crime.
an action performed in order to prevent something possibly dangerous, harmful, or troublesome from happening
As a precaution, the workers closed off the bridge during the storm.
to keep something from existing or happening; to keep someone from doing something
Avoiding stress is the best way to prevent cancer.
a low, heavy continuous sound or series of sounds
I am so hungry, I can hear the rumble of my stomach.
(technical) relating to the structure of the Earth's surface
The Earth's surface is divided into a number of tectonic plates that float on an ocean of very hot liquid rock.
changing so frequently that it is difficult to know what will come next; changing one's behavior so often that it is difficult to know what to expect
The weather in my country is so unpredictable in the summer.
to remain unaffected by something or someone
The old house was still very strong and could withstand the strong winds that came during winter.
something that can be used or done instead of something else
The alternative route was actually longer than the normal route.
to come together or crash with a lot of force
The car collided into other car coming in the opposite direction on the highway.
to ruin or destroy something
The devastated village took twenty years to rebuild.
very hot rock, in liquid form, that flows from a VOLCANO
Hot lava flowed down the mountain side and destroyed the village
being in a liquid state due to being melted by heat, usually of rock or metal
We watched the molten rock flow quickly from the ground after the natural disaster occurred.
showing no pattern or clear purpose; selected by pure chance
To determine the winner or the contest, we will select one random ticket.
a little bit; rather
Helen was only somewhat upset when she lost her book.
제거, 삭감, 침강
subduction of plates often causes earthquakes.
having great size, excellence, or power
The workers made a tremendous effort to ensure the product was good.
being able to easily become a gas at a low temperature
Petrol is a volatile substance.
the power to make decisions or command and control others
Who gave you the authority to do that?
power or control by a DICTATOR
Germany under the leadership of Hitler became a dictatorship.
to give someone something that he or she wants or let a person do what he or she wants
Our teacher granted us two more days to finish our projects.
to put someone in prison
By law, you can’t imprison someone without a trial.
money or property received when someone dies
The rich woman left a(n) inheritance to her cat!
a system of government with a MONARCH as the ruler
Saudi Arabia is a(n) monarchy.
Only certain people can enter this restricted area.
to give something or someone great respect and loyalty
Many of the professor’s students seem to revere him.
to openly and often violently rise up against a government
The Muslims of Spain revolted in the year 756.
money charged by a government for public services
He was sent to prison for not paying his taxes.
happening once every year
The Oscars are an annual award for the best movies.
the means, ability, or potential to do something
He had remarkable capabilities and was soon promoted to the position of CEO.
a statement of unhappiness about something or someone
The customer has a complaint about our products.
inspiring great interest or attraction
I find Asian cultures fascinating.
to bring an important change into being or action
The moon landing inaugurated a new era in space exploration.
being broadcast as events happen, instead of being recorded earlier
The broadcast was recorded, not live.
occurring irregularly
It is cloudy with occasional showers.
the quality of being impulsive
The woman was praised for her brilliance, skill, and spontaneity.
to assume something as true for the sake of argument or to predict what will happen in the future
supposing you were a foreigner, please try to answer my questions.
to stumble
Tom tripped over the rock on the ground.
to catch and keep a person or animal against their will
The animals are captured in nets.
a person, team or company which does the same thing as another and tries to do it better
Joe's competitor was taller and stronger, so he knew it would be a tough race.
to take control of something by force
Ancient peoples would conquer foreign lands to build their empires.
to switch something from one state, method or purpose to another
You should convert your American dollars into Korean won.
to win a victory over someone or some group
She defeated the champion in three sets.
to come from another thing
Can you tell me where these plants were derived from?
Even though the Normans were eventually dethroned, French words became an important part of English.
showing a lot of deep knowledge or thought
She does not talk much, but when she does her statements are profound.
an effect, usually not direct, that results from an action or event
The repercussion of not completing the final project is a failing grade in the class.
the state of being greatest or best possible
After the battle, they gained naval supremacy.
relating to the buying and selling of products
The program is now available for commercial sale.
a product that is bought and sold
Money, gold, silver, wheat, corn are all important commodities.
to be part of something bigger
The computer is comprised of many parts that simultaneously work together.
to make something larger
We enlarged our house by adding two new rooms.
very modern
The new jet pack is a futuristic device that lets one man fly around like an astronaut.
a life-size dummy used to display clothes
The mannequinn in the store window was wearing a beautiful dress and hat.
exceeding the usual limits, unconventional
The child's outrageous behavior at the park was embarrassing for his parents.
a point of view; a way of looking at something
Her perspective of the situation was very different than mine.
a moveable item other than costumes or scenery, used on the set of a theater or movie production
Both actors used props to make it look like they were having a real sword fight.
to try to do something, usually something that is challenging or difficult
Do not give up without attempting to find out the truth.
(usually with 'to') to identify something as being caused by a specific action, event, or person
He attributes his good looks to his mother.
to discuss the price, amount or other details of a sale
Rachel is trying to bargain down the price.
an event in which two separate events happen at the same time or in the same way by chance
By a strange coincidence we happened to be travelling on the same flight.
causing a great deal of argument, discussion, or conflict
The president has made several controversial decisions that many people do not agree with.
a person whose job is to judge the quality of something
The newspaper's food critic wrote a great review of the restaurant.
to produce a copy of something in order to trick people
She faked her mother’s signature on the document.
to gather together or move as a group
The teenagers flocked to the mall to see the pop singer.
to have continual problems with something
Malaria has plagued mankind for centuries.
to have doubts about something
We suspect that Sally was the one who took the backpack.
the act or process of trying to win or be better than others at something
The competition was going to be held Saturday afternoon at the school playground.
a game similar to golf, but with bigger balls
croquet is a game played on grass in which the players use long wooden sticks.
to change by a process of EVOLUTION, as in plants and animals
Many species of animals have evolved over many years.
to establish an organization such as a business, school, or institution
The university was founded in 1922.
to lead or start a party, program, or other event
I will host the awards ceremony next week.
an unfair state in which certain people have more of something such as money or power than other people
Her essay on the inequality of human races won her first prize in the contest.
to continue
Running and playing sports helps me to maintain my weight.
make up
Women make up 56% of the student numbers.
an unreasonable feeling of dislike for people because of their race, sex, religion, or background
The overweight woman has a prejudice against thin people.
a careful plan or method
His strategy was to start studying for the test several days early.
to create emotional excitement in someone; interest someone
Her strange behaviour aroused our suspicions.
a plan made in secret to do something illegal
The special agent discovered a conspiracy to start a revolution.
She’s been deliberately ignoring him all day.
a person who plays games of chance to win money
Many gamblers try to hit the jackpot in Las Vegas.
not to notice or consider someone or something
Just ignore my sister when she bothers you.
to find more information
The detectives investigated the crime scene.
a person that you are competing against in a game or contest
His opponent in the tennis game was strong and fast.
a final contest or series to determine the winner between contestants or teams that have tied, or to determine a championship
My two favorite baseball teams are in the playoffs this year.
to give something or someone great respect and loyalty
The king was revered by some as a wise ruler but despised by others as a selfish tyrant.
acting gladly
She expressed her willingness to work for us..
to give an explanation
A camera can be defined as a deviced used to take pictures.
to make a small jump
Sue hopped all the way home.
몹시 건조한, 바싹 말라 버린
I got so nervous that my lips became parched.
water that falls from the sky onto the ground, usually in the form of rain or snow
Tomorrow's weather will be dry with no precipitation expected.
to protect something from harm, loss or damage
Environment must be preserved for future generation.
태우다, 그을리다
I scorched my shirt when I was ironing it.
similar to
having a likeness to another person or thing
Racquetball is similar to tennis in that it requires the use of a racket and a ball.
to cause someone to respond with shock by doing something unexpected
She surprised her mother with a present.
a grave or other place of burial
Kings were often buried in large tombs in pyramids.
one of a series of parts that together make up something larger, such as a system or machine
One component of the investigation was the analysis of the crime scene.
causing damage by chemical action
Household bleach is a strong corrosive that can burn or irritate the skin.
To deplete an amount of something means to use up all of it.
The country's natural resources are rapidly being depleted.
(for a VOLCANO) to shoot out or spill hot rocks, smoke, and fire
We don’t know when Mount Fugi is going to erupt.
to disturb, anger, or upset someone
This man is very easy to irritate and will get upset about almost anything.
made up of
comprising; composed of
The test is made up of 50 multiple choice questions.
a colorless chemical element without a smell that forms most of the earth's atmosphere
nitrogen is an important part of the process that allows plants to grow and produce new plants.
A layer of Earth's atmosphere
The second layer of Earth's atmosphere is called the stratosphere.
to be all the way around something
When something is all around you, you are surrounded by it.
ultraviolet light
Exposure to ultraviolet light is closely linked to skin cancer.
to discover the existence of something
I could detect the smell of tobacco on his clothes.
having magnetic and electrical parts
All electronic devices emit electromagnetic radiation.
to release or send something
The kettle emitted steam and a whistling sound when the water was boiled.
a small part of something
He had done only a fraction of his homework.
(technical) the number of repetitions of a wave, such as radio or sound, in a unit of time
There are many newscasts on the FM radio frequencies.
producing a kind of light that cannot be seen, but can be felt
When scientists want to watch an animal doing things at night, they use an infrared camera.
a particle having energy but no mass or electric charge
Plants use light photons to convert it to energy.
a particular quality that someone or something has
Due to the chemical property of cesium, it is difficult and dangerous to obtain.
potentially harmful waves of energy given off by nuclear activity
The radiation leak from the nuclear power plant almost killed the local residents.
to move side to side or back and forth very quickly in small movements
My phone vibrated loudly when you called me.
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