Reading for the Real world 2nd_Student-Book 1 (E)
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to state something unproven to be true
She claimed she graduated from Harvard University, but no one believed her.
a small plant with three, or sometimes four, round leaves
There is a field of clover behind of my house.
to make an agreement that requires both parties in an argument to give up something they wanted
They made a compromise with the invaders.
to direct or control some process or procedure
The scientist will conduct research on the matter of gravity.
to admit
The suspect confessed his crime.
to make somebody notice something, often by pointing to it
When babies cry in a high shrill, it usually indicates that there is something wrong.
the ability to have an effect on the way a person or thing acts or happens without directly controlling the person or thing
Mrs. Clinton had a strong influence on her husband's presidency.
being very small; being the least amount possible
If you make only a minimal effort to pass your classes, you won't learn very much.
a plant with white berries used in Christmas decorations
Kissing under a piece of mistletoe is a Christmas tradition.
to grow too large
Children quickly outgrow their clothes and shoes.
having a big or important effect
The accident victim made significant progress in his physical therapy sessions.
related to superstitious belief in something perhaps unaccountable for
The superstitious woman was afraid that a black cat might cross her path.
a question or a group of questions asked to many people in order to gather information about a particular topic
We took a survey to see how kids reacted to the new standard.
relating to technology
This laptop uses the latest technological advances from the field of wireless networking.
to take in a liquid or other substance
Use the sponge to absorb the water on the counter.
to legally take in and raise another person's child as your own
The parents decided to adopt a new strategy for disciplining their child.
the air around a PLANET
The Earth's atmosphere is comprised of many different gases.
the result of an action
The consequence of not studying for an exam is failing.
a person who is chosen to represent other people or a nation
Some managers find it difficult to delegate.
an act or occurrence of releasing something
Automobile emissions contribute to environmental problems such as smog.
the imaginary line equal in distance from the North and South Pole that runs across the middle of the Earth
Singapore lies on the equator.
not likely to happen or be true
It's highly improbable that mom will let us stay home from school tomorrow.
a statement regarding what will happen in the future
The weather man's predictions about the weather is almost always incorrect.
a set of rules for computers so that they can exchange information
According to company protocol, all visitors must be greeted and given a name tag and access pass.
to send out waves
The ray flowers radiate out from the rim of the disk flowers and reach to the edge of the whole flower.
the process of decreasing the size or amount of something
The reduction of the husband's salary affected the family greatly.
an official meeting or series of meetings between the leaders of different countries or nations
The leaders of the two countries held a two-day summit to settle their problems.
an agreement between nations
The two leaders signed the treaty to make the agreement legal.
tiny droplets or pieces of some substance spread thinly throughout the air
Salt cannot leave the sea by evaporation because the water vapor leaves it behind.
to make a request that a judge, or other person of authority, change a decision
The lawyer appealed the harsh pushinment given to his client.
fitting or proper for a specific person, purpose, time or occasion
The mother allowed her children to watch TV programs that were not appropriate for them.
having traditional views
My grandfather is so conservative, he hasn't bought new clothes in twenty-five years.
to find someone guilty of a crime, in a court of law
Jeff was convicted of stealing a car.
an act that is not legal
If you commit a crime, you will be punished.
to kill someone, usually as a punishment
For his terrible crime, he was executed.
to use something completely so that there is none left
I exhausted all my ideas on this project.
to stop moving or going forward
All activity on the college campus halted with the sounding of the fire alarm.
being extremely mean to someone or something; treating someone or something very badly
The humane treatment of prisoners is a very important subject.
to put someone in prison
He was imprisoned for stealing the car.
in favor of
~에 찬성하여
I am not in favor of the death penalty.
a person in jail
inmates should have access to education and job training while they are in jail.
to prove that something is right or true
The boss asked the supervisor to verify the claim before a decision was made to sack the employee.
an agreement to meet someone at a specific time and place for a particular reason
I have to leave work early because I have an appointment with the doctor for a checkup.
the money given to the court that ensures a person released from jail will return to court
The bail was set at $1 million.
a generous gift or reward
A one million dollar bounty was offered for the capture of the criminal.
to catch and keep a person or animal against their will
After three weeks on the run, the prisoner was finally captured and sent back to jail.
to do something, usually negative
You must be ready to deal with the consequences if you commit a crime.
a person who commits a crime
The criminal has broken the law several times before.
the legal right to be responsible and care for a child
After the divorce, the mother received custody of the children.
to escape or run away
I fled back to the relative safety of my own home.
a person who runs away from the law or tries to escape the law
After the prisoner escaped from prison, he became a fugitive.
a place where people who are being charged with or being punished for a crime are held
The criminal has been sentenced to 30years in jail.
a specific area of such authority
The San Francisco police department has jurisdiction in the city of Allen.
relating to the law
After her car accident, she needed some legal advice.
allowed or accepted by someone with authority
Spanish is the official language of Venezuela.
to control or handle something such as a machine
I’m not sure how to operate the new photocopier Could you help me?
having complete power
She has almighty control on all decisions made within the company.
at last
After 12 hours in the plane, we landed at last.
a series of locking rings, usually made out of metal, used to connect things together
a chain of events
a person who is an official member of a nation or state
I am a citizen of this country.
the ideas, facts, or opinions presented in a book, film, speech, or other presentation
The content of the movie was inappropriate for children.
the act of unfairly treating some persons or groups better than others
discrimination in the workplace is against the law.
being the same for everyone
There are some games in which all the players have equal chances.
strong belief or trust in something or someone
I have faith that my children will make the right decision when the time comes.
the state of being uncontrolled and allowed to do whatever one wants
When you turn 18, you have the freedom to make your own choices.
an area in a city where many people of a particular nationality, race, or religion live
He grew up in the ghetto; it was a miracle that he ever survived.
to reach a decision about who won a contest
Mr. Harris and Mrs. Walton will judge the dance contest.
to express a strong objection or dislike of something
The workers protested the drop in wages.
to keep one group of people apart from another and treat them differently
Racial segregation in the United States prevented blacks and whites from eating in the same restaurants.
marked by great sadness, often because of someone's death
When she recounted her tragic childhood, the entire audience started to cry.
in an absentminded or preoccupied manner
I absently sat in the classroom while the professor gave the lecture.
expressing pain or agony
We heard an agonized cry in the night.
a hard, violent stroke delivered with a hand or a weapon.
He suffered many blows to the head in the boxing match.
a large fire built outside
We built a bonfire on the beach.
끈끈한, 냉습한
I was nervous so my hands became clammy.
to hold strongly
She clutched the safety bar as the roller coaster began to move.
a cause of harm or misfortune
The witch put a curse on the town before leaving.
having no people living in it
The old barn was completely deserted.
to BREATHE loudly and rapidly, with an open mouth
After chasing the cat in the yard, the dog was panting very hard.
a large farm, usually in a hot climate, where CROPS are grown
The tobacco plantations on the east coast have been in operation for centuries.
(usually plural, with "of") the small parts that remain after the larger part of something is gone or has been destroyed
You can see the remnants of the city's former glory in the architecture of the buildings.
an interesting or unusual sight
When the circus performed, it was a spectacle of entertainment that enthralled children for hours.
a room devoted to reading and studying
My dad has a study in our home where he does some work.
to walk unsteadily
The monkey was tottering on the wire above the house.
one of the little tubes that return blood from the body to the heart
On people with fair skin, you an see their veins quite easily.
to leave a person who needs your help
The home was abandoned after the hurricane had damaged it beyond repair.
to succeed in doing something after working hard to do it
Shelly has accomplished most of her goals in life.
something good that you have successfully done
Winning a gold medal is my greatest achievement.
not occurring in nature or in the natural world, but made to appear natural
We always get an artificial Christmas tree because my mother is allergic to pine needles.
to defeat someone or something in a contest or competition
We beat our opponent at soccer today.
to direct or control some process or procedure
The scientist will conduct research on the matter of gravity.
to drop or fall suddenly
When the plane crashed into the forest, most people died, but luckily there were a few survivors.
John frequently asked questions I was not able to answer.
the aim or purpose of an action or series of actions
The goal of this exercise is to increase you muscles.
to send something forward or up into the air
The loud roar of the rocket being launched into space could be heard for miles.
the experience or state of failing to have or keep something
Gerald suffered a slight loss in the stock market.
the path taken by an object as it circles around another object
All the planets in space are constantly in orbit.
a device used to send back information from outer space
The probe sent to Mars gave scientists a lot of information about the planet.
a form of communication in which a person delivers a message by talking in front of an audience
I had to give a speech at my brother's wedding.
승무원이 타지 않은, 무인의, 자동 조종의, 사람이 없는, 거세된
The rocket to Jupiter will be unmanned.
very small PLANETS that move around the sun
Ceres was the first asteroid that was discovered; it is also the largest.
a scientist who studies the stars and other bodies in space
The astronomer slept during the day and worked at night, when the stars are out.
The girls heard a loud blast as the car exploded.
block out
보이지 않게 하다
During a total eclipse, the moon blocks out the sun.
to discover the existence of something
He detected the smell of gas in the apartment.
a straight line that passes from one side of a circle or other round figure through the center to the other side
She drew a circle with a diameter of 15 inches.
to find something for the first time
When he finally returned, he discovered that Tess had cried herself to sleep.
(for a VOLCANO) to shoot out or spill hot rocks, smoke, and fire
The area was evacuated because of the possibility that the volcano would erupt.
the act or force of one thing hitting something else
Divorce can have a negative impact on young children.
to place something in a new area
The McDonald’s restaurants that are located across the United States have a significance that goes far beyond the convenience of quick hamburgers.
nuclear bomb
A nuclear bomb is much more powerful than an atomic bomb.
the sixth planet from the sun; the planet with rings
The rings around saturn are made of small particles.
to inflict, deliver, or deal
Measeles typically strike children.
to cause (something) to change into a vapor
Water normally vaporizes at 212 degrees Fahrenheit.
a shaking motion
You can feel vibrations in my house when the train passes by.
an area of a city which has some special quality
Most of the people who live in my district, work in agriculture.
to cause someone to feel courage, confidence or hope
The teacher tried to encourage the boy's natural musical talent.
very good at making things or solving problems
The children found an ingenious way to build a bridge without using any tools.
a missing part of a rule allowing people to avoid the rule
I found a loophole in my contract that will allow me to break the contract without getting a penalty.
to do what you are told to do by a person, rule, law, or authority
Tom always obeys his parents.
idea or habit that controls the mind
Her obsession with cats was the cause of their divorce.
a person or thing that is against or does not agree with an idea or plan
The veteran soccer player made a huge mistake when he accidentally passed the ball to his opponent.
to persuade or force someone to do something
Today, there are more students pressuring other students to act badly.
to make something smaller in size, amount, or level
We need to reduce the amount of coffee we drink.
the official in a sport or activity who makes sure the rules are being followed
Being a referee is a good way to participate in a sport that you like.
She worked single-mindedly on her project through the night.
slow; moving like a slug
If I don't eat breakfast then I'm sluggish all morning.
a careful plan or method
His strategy was to studying for the test and then take the optional pre-test.
to stumble
Tom tripped over the rock on the ground.
받을 만한 값어치가 없는, 부당한, 분수에 벗어나는, 당찮은
Her bad reputation is undeserved.
a treatment for pain and illness that involves putting NEEDLES in the body
In China, acupuncture is a famous treatment in China.
to become curved or change from a straight position
The tree branches bend when big birds sit on them.
build up
to accumulate
The snow is building up on the sidewalk.
to move through a closed course or system
It's important for business people to circulate at a networking function in order to meet as many new contacts as possible.
the ability to focus completely on a task
One of his difficulties in school was that he lacked concentration.
the state of not feeling well
The doctor asked me if I was experiencing any discomfort, such as aches and pains.
associated with a god, a religion or worship
The holy scriptures are important to many people around the world.
being not exciting or IMPRESSIVE
The queen was very upset because her son had married an ordinary girl.
to do something, especially something difficult or that requires special skills
The new software performs several useful functions that make accounting easy and fun.
without being affected or concerned by something difficult or troubling
I'm moving to Alaska regardless of what my parents say.
activities that allow someone to rest and have fun, or that help someone to become calm
I took a trip so I could enjoy some relaxation.
becoming easily upset or angered
As Shelly is very sensitive; she was offended by the joke Tom made.
to begin a job, task, trip, etc.
War should be a last resort, obviously, undertaken when all other options have failed.
to say in public that something is true
The candidate affirmed his commitment to the environment in his campaign speech.
a law, problem or situation that makes it difficult or impossible for something to happen
There was a barrier between the girl and boy. That barrier was the girl’s father.
something, often money, that is given to someone so that he or she will do something, usually something illegal
It was impossible to get the contract without giving them a bribe.
relating to only your own country
Critics complain that a free trade agreement will hurt domestic production of certain products.
to provide someone or something with a natural talent or quality
Her parents endowed her with a new car and computer when she went to university.
impossible to be taken from someone
Freedom is an inalienable thing that we are all born with.
the act of continuing to do something or trying to do something despite difficulties
This was not from a lack of diligence or perseverance.
something that is possible; the state of being possible; (a) likelihood
The singer is sick. There's a strong possibility that the concert will be canceled.
a particular quality and ability of someone or something that can be developed into something better
This company has the potential of making a lot of money.
something that is more important than other things and must be done first
Getting good grades was not his priority; getting a well rounded education was.
The principal's retribution on the rebellious students was severe.
a very tall building in a city
Because there is so much land in Texas, you do not see many skyscrapers.
letting people do, say or believe what they wish, without judging or challenging them
The parents were tolerant of their son's bad behavior.
violent, angry or threatening
The aggressive behavior of the child caused much concern for the parents.
a person who studies ANTHROPOLOGY
The anthropologist found traces of an ancient tribal civilization in Africa.
a living thing that is not a plant
All living creatures must learn to appreciate life.
a statement that gives details about something or someone
The description that she gave matched the one I gave to the police.
difficult to understand or define
The answer to the murder mystery is elusive.
materials, facts, and information used in a court of law to establish or prove something
The evidence shows that the defendant is guilty of bank robbery.
not in existence after existing for a long time
Dinosaurs are no longer in existence; they are extinct.
to move from one region to another
Birds migrate when the climate begins to change.
a combination of two or more different people or things
Her cooking is a mix of flavors from Asia and Latin America.
a certain smell, often strong or distinct
Her husband does not like to eat fish because he doesn't want fish odor in the house.
pass down
Myths have survived because they are passed down from generation to generation.
the body of a human or animal once the person or animal has died
After he passed away, his remains were buried in a cemetery near his home town.
a social group made up of many families that share the same language, customs, and beliefs
Various Indian tribes spread out over the plains and lived off the land.
사기꾼, 책략가
The trickster fooled many people out of their money.
having many trees
We decided to make camp in the wooded area by the hills.
a person who tries to change a government or society
The activist often spoke against policies that hurt the common person.
to choose
He has been anointed as the face for our company.
a thing that creates an effect
The people of the town were united to fight for their cause.
things such as money, food, and clothing to people who are very poor or sick
She gave up her lucrative career and now does a lot of charity work.
a beauty preparation, like makeup, lipstick, and skin cream, used on the body, esp. on the face
She had many allergies and could only use European cosmetics on her face.
to legally end a marriage
My parents got divorced after 15 years of marriage.
a lot of money; great wealth
Jack earned a fortune from the new technology he developed.
heavy bleeding from a ruptured blood vessel
He had a terrible hemorrhage coming from his leg.
being unable to cure; having no cure
AIDS is an incurable disease that scientists and doctors are working to solve.
one of the food items used when making a meal or drink
I cannot make this cake because I am missing the main ingredient.
maiden name
a woman's last name before marriage
My mother's maiden name is Ferguson.
a child whose parents have died
The orphan missed his parents.
something which happens or exists before something else and introduces, influences, or leads to its development
The precursor to the piano was a stringed instrument called a clavier.
a brother or sister of someone
My dad has only one sibling.
an act or process of putting someone else's blood into a patient at a hospital
The patient needed a blood transfusion to save his life.
a scientist who studies living things
A biologist came into our science class and talked about development of single-celled organisms.
to form an opinion after careful thought
From the empty cage and the feathers on the floor, Dave concluded that the cat had eaten the bird.
to direct or control some process or procedure
The scientist will conduct research on the matter of gravity.
being important or serious
It is absolutely critical for an astronaut to have enough oxygen in space.
a scientific theory that states that plants and animals change slowly over time according to the environments they live in
Simmons became convinced that this competition for mates, not stretching for treetop food, was what drove the evolution of the long neck of a giraffe.
something that changes whether a result occurs or how a result happens
When choosing a job, there are many factors to consider, such as salary and location.
the shape or outline of someone or something
If you want to maintain your figure, you should exercise regularly.
find out
to discover; to learn
Her parents are angry with her because they found out that she wasn't going to her classes.
to have an effect on the way someone or something acts or happens without directly controlling the person or thing
TV can influence the way children act.
to officially and legally get something such as money from someone when he or she dies
Joyce inherit her aunt's summer cottage in Maine.
far away from other places
The family lived in an isolated farm outside of town.
a point of view; a way of looking at something
Her perspective of the situation was very different than mine.
to decide for what ages a movie is appropriate, and assign it a label
Would you please rate these pictures from best to worst?
the way someone or something acts
As a youngster, my bad behavior got me into a lot of trouble.
to try and prevent something bad from happening; try to stop something from getting worse
We had been combating the enemy forces for last two days.
to be able to recognize the difference between certain people or things
By closely observing her, we managed to distinguish most of her characteristics.
a slippery material made from oil
grease is used to make metal parts move easily.
the act of annoying or bothering someone in a constant or repeated way
You must stop the harassment of your neighbors before they call the police.
to make something happen; to produce a certain result
When a woman’s contractions are too slow, doctors often induce birth.
to provide someone with knowledge, especially in an official or organized manner
The salesman instructed us on how to use the new equipment.
the quality of behaving with fairness and strong moral principles
Most people wanted him to run for office since he has a lot of integrity.
to present someone with something to be either taken or refused
My friend offered to pick me up from the airport when I return from India.
in a quick manner; without delay
As I took my tray of food from the lunch line I promptly dropped it
to make something known that was secret or not understood before
When are you going to reveal your secret?
becoming easily upset or angered
As Shelly is very sensitive; she was offended by the joke Tom made.
to add an extra part to something in order to improve it, complete it, or raise it to an acceptable level
The wife supplemented their income by babysitting.
to let people do, say or believe what they wish, without judging or challenging them
The actions of the students were not tolerated by the professor.
an unusual experience that is possibly dangerous
They had some exciting adventures on their vacation.
an announcement, picture, or commercial intended to convince people to buy a product or to receive a service
The advertisement for fast food is effective on both children and adults.
money given as a security against possible damage or loss
Please pay your deposit before booking your hotel room.
a gift or sum of money that is given to help support an organization or cause
I collected donations for the orphanage.
(of plants or animals) being from a different area of the world
On their trip to Asia, they had discovered many exotic fruits and vegetables.
very hot rock, in liquid form, that flows from a VOLCANO
During our field trip to the volcanoes on the Big Island, we were able to see the lava flowing.
the time during which a person is alive
It would take a lifetime to understand the universe in all its entirety.
to stop or prevent an increase in size or amount past a certain point
My manager wanted to limit the number of hours I could work each day.
the smallest amount needed
Most fast-food restaurants pay minimum wage; it is not sufficient to support a family on.
with everything included
His overall grade in school was not bad, although he was not doing well in science.
to collect money or gather people to support something
We had a bake sale at school to raise money for our field trip.
a journey to multiple places in an area, usually including one or more countries
We decided to take a tour of the entire island.
in a way that one normally acts or behaves
While handguns are commonly used by law enforcement, rifles are typically used by hunters
a mountain through which hot liquid earth can move though and come out of the top
Mt. Fiji is huge volcano in Japan.
a person whose job it is to carefully examine something in order to better understand it
Our company hired an analyst to help us improve our profits.
to give something to a particular person or thing
The mother assigned different household chores to her children.
to focus completely on a task
I have to concentrate more on my future plans.
a standard to make judgments or decisions
What criterion are you using to evaluate the interviewees?
crop up
갑자기 나타나다, 일어나다
In the winter, symptoms of the common cold begin to crop up.
a person who manages other people in a business or organization
The president is the chief of the executive branch of the American government.
a symbol that represents one of the numbers between one and nine
She got a promotion and now she's making a six-figure salary: $120,000 per year.
having to do with money
Schools are getting expensive for one person to pay for their own. So try looking for financial help.
money spent in order to make more money; something purchased with the hope that it will increase in value
Ten years ago, my father made a large investment in real estate that turned him a nice profit.
market share
The proportion of industry sales of a good or service that is controlled by a company
A bad economy usually means that market shares will be small.
the process of printing a written work and making it available to read
She waited anxiously for the publication date of her book to be announced.
the general opinion that people have about someone or something
Politicians have to take great care to make sure that their reputation is kept positive.
the money a business collects in exchange for goods or services
The revenue from her income property was not sufficient to cover her expenses.
the state only the main or most important ideas or points of something
He tried to summarize the speech, but he had forgotten the main points.
to have confidence in something, or to believe in someone
His trusted friend of 30 years betrayed him.
to move or act more quickly
This car can accelerate to sixty miles an hour in eight seconds.
to gain use of
Many poor people do not have access to a good education.
happening once every year
The Oscars are an annual award for the best movies.
a formal, written request for something
After several applications of the ointment, the wound finally healed.
in a way that is close but not exact
They determined the age of the fossil to be approximately three million years old.
a very strong rope usually made of many smaller wires
cable is so strong that it is used to hold up large bridges like the Golden Gate Bridge in California.
the amount of people or things that a place or object can hold
When Michael Jackson had his concert in Korea, the stadium was filled to its capacity.
a group formed with the purpose to work together
A consortium of textile manufacturers held a conference about child labor.
a person who gains access to a computer system without permission in order to do harm or play a trick
Software designers are locked in a constant battle with hackers.
to create something through thought and reason
I wish someone will invent a machine that let's me fly to work.
to find or follow the correct course or route while traveling in a ship, car or AIRPLANE
Historians have found that even ancient ships were able to navigate the large open sea.
able to be moved around with ease
These are portable structures which act as schools.
a device sent into space that collects information or assists in communication
You can see picture taken with the satellite on Google.
a word or expression
The manager had trouble understanding some of the terms used by her young employees.
something a person does to achieve a specific goal or to have fun
What kind of club activity do you like?
avoiding friendly associations with other people
The girl's antisocial behavior such as fighting with other children drew concerns from her parents and teachers.
based on
grounded on, founded on
We can guess what she will do based on her previous actions.
the state of being damaged beyond repair
The destruction of the old house was sad to see.
a picture in your mind of how you think something might or should look
The image on the picture was hard to see because water had spilled on it.
consisting of or being present in large numbers
The man had numerous wives in many different countries.
being useful; benefiting someone or something
Selling used cars was quite profitable until the economy faced a recession.
to identify or remember someone or something from past knowledge or experience
The young woman recognized the tall man from the party.
refined; too wise in the ways of the world
A sophisticated design is needed to sell the product.
an idea or belief about what someone or something is like that is often unfair or untrue
Many Americans have the stereotype that all Asians are good in math.
the use of physical force to hurt a person or animal or to damage something
He used violence to force people to do his bidding.
the act of comparing two or more things to each other
The comparison of the long term costs is what helped them make their decision.
something that is formed from a number of different parts
The composition of the new medicine is quite difficult to create without a proper lab.
an article or essay that judges the quality of something
Our manager received a strong criticism from the university president.
(technical) the relation between the mass and size of a substance
The density of a bowling ball is higher than a basketball.
to cause a particular result
It's difficult to determine if someone is telling the truth or not.
to make a general guess or judgment without using exact calculations regarding the value, quality, or nature of something
Throughout Earth’s history, an estimated 3 million to 100 million species have disappeared.
not correct, accurate, or true
The information provided to the candidate was inaccurate.
(technical) the amount of matter that an object has
Although the plastic box was bigger than the book, the book had a greater mass.
the act or process of determining the size of something or someone
The tailor took my measurement for a new suit.
a specific way of doing something
This method is very effective.
concerned with the MUSCLES
He exercised regularly so that his body could become muscular.
being very fat in a manner that is harmful to a person's health
The mother was worried because her son had become obese; He weighed over 300 pounds.
to do something, especially something difficult or that requires special skills
The new software performs several useful functions that make accounting easy and fun.
being very exact or accurate in detail or form
You need to follow the precise measurements of the recipe if you want your cake to turn out o.k.
causing difficulty
Science was a subject that was troublesome for the youth.
the tough outer covering that protects a tree or other plant
The bark of the tree was brown and very rough.
a substance created through a chemical process
You should always be careful which chemicals you mix together because you could create a dangerous reaction.
a group of people or similar things that are close together
A cluster of antiques was found in the attic.
to cause something or someone to be unable to act normally
He was disabled by the accident.
(of liquid, gas or electricity) to move steadily and easily in a particular direction
The Mississippi River flows into the Gulf of Mexico.
the ability to understand something better or see what it is really like
The wise man had many insights to my spiritual problems.
a severe HEADACHE that often includes feelings of sickness
He could not concentrate on his work because of the bad migraine he had all day.
to happen
It never occurred to her to call her parents when her plane got delayed.
a dry substance in the form of very small, fine pieces or grains
The rocks were crushed into a fine powder.
(for a doctor) to state officially the particular medicine or treatment a patient should use
I was having horrible back pain until the doctor prescribed me this new medicine.
having the most importance
My primary goal is to get my education. Then, I would like to do some traveling.
a set of actions that produce a particular result
The process of lawsuits can take several years.
set off
to begin traveling in a particular direction
The rally on Monday will set off a series of week-long events to celebrate the holiday.
being very firm or strict
Yesterday, a severe earthquake hit Japan.
to experience an event, happening, or condition that is unpleasant, undesirable, and difficult to deal with
Since changing management, their sales have suffered.
to do mathematical processes to find the answer to a problem
It takes a series of difficult mathematical equations to calculate the distance to the planets.
to make someone believe something, by arguing or showing evidence
I tried to convince my mother to allow me to marry the prisoner.
a document certifying graduation
I’m working towards a diploma in business management.
to give a gift or contribute money to an organization or cause
I usually donate more money to charities during the Christmas season.
drop out
to stop attending a school before fi nishing
My dad dropped out of high and got a job in a factory.
the system of production and consumption of goods and services in a country or a region
The housing boom improved the country's sagging economy.
a person who teaches other people
Both of my parents are educators, so it was no surprise that I became a professor.
to supply money for something
The old man funds his grandchildren's education.
establish or develop industrialism in
industrialized countries are polluting the world.
the head of city government
The young mayor got to work trying to improve the city.
a group of people with shared interests, formed for a certain purpose
I do some work at a non-profit organization.
박애주의의, 인정 많은
She is involved in many philanthropic activities.
having happened before the present time or event
I received more information at the previous parenting conference than at this one.
someone who is kept in a prison as punishment for his or her crimes
The prisoners tried to escape by running across the field.
a number that provides information about something or proves something
A single statistic was used to justify the laying off of many employees.
a detailed analysis of a subject or situation
I've been working on a study about aging at my university.
(usually with 'to') to identify something as being caused by a specific action, event, or person
He attributes his good looks to his mother.
a person who earned degree at a university after four years of study
After getting my bachelor degree, I applied for graduate school.
to lessen in quality or value
Gold increases in value over time, however, appliances declines in value.
a position in which a person must make difficult choices
I am faced with a difficult dilemma that will affect my job.
a five-to-seven-year graduate degree
Educators who receive a doctorate degree are often referred to as doctor.
the act or process of ENROLLING
Due to increased tuition fees, overall enrollment dropped by 12 percent over the past year.
to make something certain
I ensure you that the job will be ready on time.
kick out
to remove or eject someone from a program or a place
I was kicked out of class for arguing with the teacher.
소송, 고소
She filed a lawsuit against the driver who had crashed into her while driving on the wrong side of the road.
an amount that is most or more than half of a group of people or things
The majority of the school children were from single parent homes.
make up
to do something at a later time that is after the scheduled time
I asked Professor Graham if I could make up the test.
being easy or likely to be sensed or noticed
There was a noticeable scratch on his car door.
something that is more important than other things and must be done first
Getting good grades was not his priority; getting a well rounded education was.
to try to achieve or get something over a period of time
Every country pursues its own interests.
겉으로의, 외관상의
He said, with seeming embarrassment, that he would have to cancel the meeting.
being or from another place or part of the world
Panda bears are alien to areas like North America.
very small PLANETS that move around the sun
Ceres was the first asteroid that was discovered; it is also the largest.
causing a lot of damage or suffering
Many people refer to catastrophic events as an act of God.
Overwhelming because it is tragic or shocking
The devastating news caused her mother to have a heart attack.
to bring someone or something into a dangerous situation
The American buffalo is endangered. It may be completely wiped out.
not in existence after existing for a long time
Dinosaurs are no longer in existence; they are extinct.
a very large body or mass of ice that moves slowly downward from a mountain valley or other raised location
Many glaciers are starting to melt.
being displeasing or uncomfortable to see
He told a grim tale of murder and mayhem. We were all trembling with fear.
the natural place, or type of place, where a plant or animal lives
The natural habitat of an alligator is a swamp.
to damage, injure, or hurt someone or something
Eating too much sugar will harm your teeth.
to enter a place for the purpose of taking control of it
Soldiers from the neighboring country invaded the town unexpectedly.
(followed by a noun) referring to the particular place where a person was born
She is a native of Indonesia.
a group of animals that are largely the same, and can produce young with each other
A species is often defined as a group of organisms capable of producing fertile offspring.
of or from the TROPICS
Fiji has a tropical climate, so it is quite humid.
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