Reading Adventure-Book 2 (E)
225 카드 | CompassPublishing
a few
a small number of
After a few days I called on him again.
at least
no less than
The doctor told me to take the pills at least twice a day.
a fellow student; a person in one's same class
Hannah likes to study with her classmates.
(informal) to put something in a specific place or position
The mirror was stuck on the wall.
a hanging piece of cloth usually attached to a piece of clothing to tell who made it
The man is looking at the price on the tag.
take off
to remove
It was so hot in the classroom that I had to take off my sweater.
to desire to know something
I wonder what time they got home last night.
a group of students who meet, learn, and are taught together
There are 30 students in my class.
not having a full understanding
The difficult math problem confused me.
a short written work that displays someone's opinions or beliefs regarding a particular subject
He has to write an essay for class.
the mark given to determine the quality of a student's academic work
I got a bad grade in English.
causing feelings of sadness because one is alone
When you are isolated you begin to feel lonely.
feeling uneasy or anxious about something
I feel nervous before a test.
to some degree
It has really good food and pretty good prices.
course of study
The subject of today's lecture will be pop culture.
in the past
She left her house a while ago.
making tired and not interested
I'm tired of playing this game. It's boring now.
having a low cost; inexpensive
The pencil is cheap by the dozen.
a person or partner in an emotional and sexual relationship
There is an old legend that says that if lovers kiss under a falling star, they will be together forever.
to be bothered or upset by something
I don’t mind the rain.
an explanation for why something occurred or was done
What is the reason you are late to class this time?
involving, causing, or relating to strong feelings of love between two people
The romantic guy brought a rose to his lover during class.
being better, more important, or out of the ordinary
My mom got me a special gift for my birthday.
a place where wine and other ALCOHOLIC drinks are sold
The bar was crowded with people who were watching the game on a Friday night.
(술집의) 바텐더
bartenders usually have to know how to make all kinds of different drinks for their customers.
truthful and not misleading
She was poor but honest.
to put, bring, take, give, or send something back to its original place
Don’t forget to return my pen!
(of an object or device) to produce sounds, often in order to signal something or to attract attention
Can you ring a bell for me, it's lunch time?
to take something that does not belong to you without permission, illegally, or wrongfully
The bad person steals bikes.
not moving
It is still raining, so we cannot go outside.
to believe and have confidence in someone or something
I trust my mother. She would never hurt me.
a small case that is flat and can hold money and other important information
I keep my money in my wallet.
not able to be done
It is impossible to learn a new language in a day or two.
a distinct, individual thing that is often part of a larger group, category, or list
We could only choose two items from the list.
the amount of money one pays in order to obtain something
The price of my bag was 50 dollars.
the amount or number of something that can be calculated or measured
The store did not have the exact quantity of items that I needed.
a statement listing what you have purchased or paid for and the amount you paid
The market always gives me a receipt whenever I purchase groceries.
the amount before tax is added
It subtotals 100,000 won.
money charged by a government for public services
I think it you should pay tax every year.
not being true or not being based upon facts
I'm failed English and math. I got all the answers wrong.
existing in reality; in fact; really
We actually had a hard time selling her apartment.
having advanced degree of intelligence
The lawyer is very intelligent.
one of a group of people or things that belong together because they have something in common
I read many different kinds of books.
an animal, such as a dog or cat, that a person lives with and cares for
What kind of pet would you like to have? I like dogs.
foolish; unintelligent
She is lovely, and yet stupid.
living in a state of nature without human control
A wolf is a wild animal.
a person who buys from a shop
Not many customers came today.
amounting to 1000000 in number
These days, one million dollars doesn't seem like it's worth much anymore.
for each or every
Rooms cost $50 per person, per night.
not related to a person's public position or job
The private school students had to wear uniforms.
to transport goods to a person or place by boat or plane
The sofa was shipped from England.
a piece of a business, bought in the form of shares
She bought stock in Disney.
the worth of something in terms of money
The value of the new car decreased the moment it was driven off the lot.
someone who works in the same office as another worker
Marie Curie and her husband, Pierre, were colleagues who worked well together.
work that a person does in exchange for money
My mom has a very high-paying job.
something said or done to make people laugh
The joke got a big laugh.
an account of something which gives the necessary facts and information
Can you hand in the report on time?
to stop working; avoid activities
If you're tired you should rest.
the process of buying and selling of goods and services between people or countries
People used to use gold for trade.
time off of work used for relaxation or travel
It's had to make time for a family vacation.
a small piece of information or fact
Every little detail is helpful in an investigation.
find out
to discover; to learn
Did you find out the secret?
the act or process of finding exactly where something is
We went to our secret location for a picnic.
people or groups associated with each other for business
My business partners and I have been in business together for over fifteen years.
to end an action or activity
Sue quits every sport she plays after 2 days.
to keep money so that you will have it later
I want to save some money for my summer holiday.
to make a sound
The car sounds like it’s broken.
the lowest level, part or point of an object
I found the key at the bottom of my purse.
to allow someone to do something
My mother let me play computer games before dinner.
the quality of remaining calm when you have to wait for something or someone
I do not have the patience to deal with this problem right now.
to dig out
Use the bucket to scoop up the sand.
a small river
The man ran through the cool water of the stream.
an object that is held in the hand, and is intended and used for a specific task
The plumber used a tool to fix the sink.
being worth a lot of money
The jewelry looks valuable; you’d better lock it up in the safe.
to trade money for something
We buy clothes at the store.
in a manner that involves focus and care
He listened carefully when his mother talked about her.
used to place emphasis on something that is surprising, unexpected, or unlikely
He even carried my books to school for me.
a physical activity that you do to keep your body healthy
Many people exercise at the park.
fall asleep
to go to sleep
I couldn't fall asleep so I watched a movie.
a room or building where books and other similar materials are available for a person to use or borrow
The library has many books.
to do something repeatedly in order to improve a skill
If we practice hard, we will improve.
a book containing facts about a particular subject
Students were given their new textbooks.
a female child of parents
The little girl is Mr. Brown's daughter.
fall down
to fall to the ground
The fat rain drops fell down on the thirsty desert.
to feel a severe, deep sense of dislike or anger towards someone
I hate going to school so early in the morning.
experiencing good things, results, and successes as a result of chance alone
People who win the lottery are very lucky.
a brief piece of writing that is used to help someone remember something
There is a note for you on the table.
a small part that has broken off of something larger
Can you slice me a piece of pie?
having little money or property
He is so poor that he cannot buy anything.
something given to a person on a special occasion or as a way to show thanks or love
There was a big present under the Christmas tree.
a job or function
It is difficult to run a big business.
a person who receives advice, benefits, or services from an individual or an organization
We have several clients who we help through our company.
occurring, used, or done every day
There is a daily bus that stops here at 10:30 am.
most preferred or liked
What is your favorite movie?
an occasion when people come together in order to discuss things and make decisions
The meeting today is off and rescheduled for tomorrow.
wake up
to stop sleeping
David needs to wake up earlier in the morning.
an agreement in which a bank holds your money
You should open up an account with our bank.
all the time
constantly; continuously
The girls go to her house on the weekends all the time.
cell phone
a type of telephone which does not need wires to connect it to a telephone system
Most people have cell phones today.
in the manner or quality of (someone or something else)
He wants to be like his father.
device used to communicate the phone numbers of the people who want you to call them back immediately so they can talk to you
He always wears a pager at his waist.
involving doing the same things at the same time each day
It was so successful that it became a regular event.
a person living in a different country than the one in which he or she was born and who is not a legal citizen
An alien comes from another planet.
present progressive of bring
Don't forget to bring your books with you.
to make someone pay, suffer or lose something of value
The trip to the mall cost me 3 hours of my life because of rush hour traffic.
far away
a long distance from here; not close
I have to take the bus to the mall because it's far away.
a mental, emotional, or physical pain
We get hurt if we fall.
a massive round object in space which moves around a star
What is the closest planet to Earth?
a machine at an AMUSEMENT park for riding on for fun
That's the scariest ride in the amusement park.
to make something happen or exist
creating a simple website isn't difficult if you have the right tools.
being interested in something and wanting to learn more about it
Most children are very curious about dinosaurs.
in a certain manner; without any question
indeed, it did rain as hard as predicted.
a very good work of art that is made with great skill, such as a movie or book
Michelangelo created many masterpieces, both in art and architecture.
the part or branch of a nation's military that fights at sea or guards the sea
She has a son in the navy.
the activities or ideas involved in affecting and influencing government policies
Lincoln is a legendary figure in American politics.
a change or improvement made to a system that has some problems
Most poeple are afraid of changes and reform.
a member of one's family
Only relatives were invited to the wedding.
someone who has official control over a country or area
Aladdin is the new ruler of this city.
scientific knowledge applied in useful ways or the equipment based on this
With technology, we are able to live better lives.
the area of land outside the city; the country
Tom moved from the countryside to the city, because there weren't enough jobs.
as much as is needed
I've had enough practice to pass the test.
to give someone or something food
Zookeeper told me to feed and water the horses.
the food that is prepared to be eaten in one sitting, such as for dinner
Lunch is my favorite meal of the day.
a person who lives near another person
Mrs. Jones is my neighbor.
I often go to the library to borrow books.
being calm and quiet
Mom and Dad enjoyed a peaceful morning together.
in an occasional manner
My father sometimes goes France but l've never been there.
a specific region or part of a city, country, etc.
Is there any hospital in this area?
waste material that has been thrown out
You shouldn't litter garbage on the street.
an area where large amounts of trash are buried
All the garbage goes into landfills.
plastic bag
People use their own bags instead of new plastic bags.
to send used things to be turned into new materials
Did you recycle the trash?
to make something smaller in size, amount, or level
Remember three things: reduce, reuse, and recycle.
to use something again
We can reuse these plastic cups on our picnic tomorrow.
throw away
to get rid of; to put in the trash
Don't throw away a garbage on the floor.
call out
to shout or say something loudly in order to get somebody's attention or help
They call out to us that dinner was ready.
having nothing inside
I looked in the box, but it was empty.
the dry surface of the Earth
The rabbit hopped on the ground.
to stay in a certain place or condition
She always keeps her room tidy.
pick up
to lift up, to collect something or someone from a certain place
Please pick up your pencil.
not being true or not being based upon facts
I wrote the wrong answer.
to be uninterested in
I was bored by last night's concert.
the primary city of a country or state that is home to the government of that country or state
The capital of Japan is Tokyo.
full of people
The zoo is crowded with people.
something that entertains
The movie was our entertainment for tonight.
a person with very progressive or current ideas or beliefs
I saw Jeff’s modern house in a magazine.
a particular area in a city
Most people in my neighborhood know each other by name.
a building in which people worship their god or gods
People go to the temple to pray for a better life.
a place where plays, operas, etc. are publicly performed
There was a movie theater near here his house.
involved in a tradition
Every country has a traditional form of music.
a bad event that often happens suddenly and mistakenly
There a many accidents in this area, so be careful.
calm down
cool it down
It was hard for me to calm down after seeing the awful car accident.
an ache or pain in the head
My head hurts. I have a headache.
a sound, particularly one that is loud, displeasing or frightening
I heard a loud noise outside.
an attitude or belief about something
I strongly disagree with her opinion.
belonging to or made by a certain person or thing and no one else
She saw her own image in the mirror.
to some degree
It has really good food and pretty good prices.
to ease something, or release the tightness in something, such as a MUSCLE
She swam and relaxed at the beach.
the words and signs that people of a common nation or region use to communicate with each other
It is not easy to learn foreign language.
a symbol that represents a sound in a language
Color all the squares with the letter "b" blue.
Middle East
Would you like to travel to the Middle East?
belonging to a person by birth or to a thing by nature, rather than being learned
She is a natural dancer; the way she moves her body is not something that can be learned.
a person who writes poems
William Shakespeare was a great poet and writer.
a person or thing who represents a larger quality
A wedding ring is a symbol for married couples.
a person who has writes something, or who writes in a particular way
He is a very famous writer who has written many books.
to be uninterested in
I was bored by last night's concert.
money in its physical form, such as metal coins or paper bills
He paid for the groceries with cash.
a person who is responsible for assisting customers at a store or guests at a hotel
A clerk works at a store.
credit card
a special plastic card made by a bank, used for buying things without giving cash to the store
May I pay for it with a credit card?
as much as is needed
I have enough money to buy this car.
look for
to try to find
Can you help me look for my wallet?
a statement listing what you have purchased or paid for and the amount you paid
They always give me a receipt when I pay for my groceries at the market.
the number reached after adding or counting something
We have a total of 50 dollars between the three of us.
the smallest part of a living thing that can function independently
All organisms are made of cells.
to keep or have inside
A vegetarian won't eat anything that contains meat.
something that is indistinguishable from something else
I wish you would send me a copy of the document.
a sickness in a person, animal or plant
The girl can't go to school because she has a heart disease.
a version of a piece of writing or work that is incomplete, unfinished, or being edited
Today I will write a new draft of my essay.
a part of cell in a that controls the development and appearance of a living thing
When someone is good looking, people usually say that they have good genes.
the complete set of genetic material in an organism's cell
Understanding the human genome may help cure many diseases.
having to do with people
The human body is a mysterious and wonderful thing.
a song for Christmas
We all joined in singing the Christmas carols.
a building for CHRISTIAN worship
The church bells rang to welcome in the New Year.
the twelfth month of the Western calendar
The last month of the year is december.
a time of rest, free time or travel, when a person does not have to work, often due to a national celebration
Do you have plan for the holiday?
following the rules and beliefs of one's religion or faith strictly
My mother, who goes to church every Sunday, is very religious.
to divide something between two or more people and each take a part
I brought some cookies to share with you.
to go somewhere for a short period of time
The President of Russia will visit Korea.
from one side to the other
There are no cars. We can walk across the street now.
a wide and usually busy road
I live on 1st avenue.
a part of a city lined on all four sides by streets
My best friend when I was growing up only lived 2 blocks away from me.
the point at which two sides, lines, roads or edges come together
There is a mailbox on the corner.
next to
My alarm clock is next to my bed.
A street is a road in a city, town, or village, usually with houses along it.
There are many cars on the street.
people and things that make up a business
I work at a steel company.
someone who is opposed to another; someone who tries to harm another
It's not good to have enemies, you should try to be friends with everyone.
acting in a kind, helpful way toward someone
She is smart, friendly, and she loves everybody.
to search for wild animals to kill, usually for food
My grandfather used to hunt deer.
to let something or someone to remain in a certain place
Don't leave anything on your plate.
showing that someone is nervous or afraid to talk to people
The girl was so shy she couldn’t talk.
a group of things or people that have common features
There are more than 60 types of coffee plants.
a person whose job is to cook food in a restaurant or hotel
The chef of that restaurant makes very good crab cakes.
not the same; other
We are brothers, but we are very different.
a person who dines.
The waitress served food to the two diners.
a garden vegetable that has large thin leaves that are eaten raw, often in salads
I want a ham and cheese on white, with lettuce and tomato.
the food that is prepared to be eaten in one sitting, such as for dinner
Lunch is my favorite meal of the day.
Usually at a bar, you can find bowls of mixed nuts for the customers on the tables.
to place a request for a product or food or drink
We order sausage pizza at the restaurant.
to take or receive something, belonging to another, with the promise of returning it
Thank you for letting me borrow your math book this week.
to cause someone to feel ill or in mild pain
Loud music really bothers me.
to address an issue in great detail
Our class will discuss World War II.
to give money to a person or business with the agreement that it will be repaid with interest
She will lend him some money.
to give something to someone that you allow them to use, but which they must return to you after a period of time
Tom loaned the book 3 months ago, but he still hasn't returned it!
to exchange money for products or services
Joe had to pay $300 dollars for his speeding ticket.
a money that is paid for the use of one's property
The rent is due at the first of the month.
having a gentle, likable nature
It was sweet of you to remember my birthday.
causing one to feel embarrassed or not mentally relaxed
When she was tall, Alice was very uncomfortable in the house.
to form a layer over something
The snow covered the ground.
a group of several nations all under the control of one ruler
Ancient Rome had one of the largest empires known to man.
a person who explores an area
Vasco de Gama was a famous Portuguese explorer and discovered a route between India and Europe.
a set amount of time defined by the events that take place between the start and end
Most public and private schools have six periods in a day.
any area or space
Is there any place to put my new bike?
being liked or supported by a large number of people
The actor in that movie is really popular.
(plural) a set of steps that go from one level of a building or structure to another level
These stairs are very steep.
someone who travels to a place for pleasure, usually while on vacation
Many tourists visit the beaches on their vacations.
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