Listening Success-Book 1 (E)
120 카드 | CompassPublishing
used to show that two objects, people, or places are being referred to, instead of only one
Would you like milk or sugar or both in your coffee?
causing one to have no idea about what is right
Since he did not have a map, the streets of the strange city were confusing to him.
from the beginning to the end of something
I like to take a two hour nap during the day.
to end
If you finish your exam early, check over your answers.
acting in a kind, helpful way toward someone
All the people in my classroom are so friendly.
to give an answer without knowing whether it is correct
I don't think I can ever guess Tom's mum's age.
to make a person known to another
Would you like to introduce yourself to your co-workers right now or later?
to PARTICIPATE in an activity with others
My brother joined the army after he finished high school.
to a degree; rather
The food prices at a convenient store are quite higher than a regular market.
a topic
The subject of the email was simply, "Hi there."
not being formal
On most days, I wear a suit, but on Friday we are allowed to wear casual clothing in the office
the act of choosing something from several options
This will be one of the most important choices you ever make.
the son or daughter of an uncle or aunt, also known
My cousin is a famous singer.
to repair something
I want to fix my car, because it makes this terrible sound when I'm driving, but I don't have the money to do so right now.
a piece of clothing with separate parts for each finger that covers, keeps warm, or protects the hand
Put on your gloves if you're going to play outside in the snow.
as a replacement; because another thing is not possible or not preferable
I would like a cookie instead of a piece of cake, please.
the chances that something will be true, exist, or happen; the condition or state of something being possible
The possibilities of the new machine were endless.
to hold a thought or image from the past in one's mind; to recall something from the past
Did you remember to turn off the lights when you left the house?
an idea or plan that is mentioned regarding how something should be performed or how someone should act
The supervisor asked the employees for suggestions on how to improve the company.
being needed; having a purpose
A spoon is useful when eating soup.
being farthest from the front
The back of his hat has a stain on it.
the point at which two sides, lines, roads or edges come together
I bumped my leg on the corner of the table.
department store
a large shop divided into several different parts, each of which sells different things
The department store was filled with many people.
at or to a great distance
Tom's house is far from the main city.
something regarded with special favor or liking
My favorite color is blue.
the part of something that faces forward; part that is seen first
The boy at the front of the line is leading the others.
a long narrow space that leads from one part of a house or building to another
Go down the hall to the kitchen and get me a drink.
to go by or beyond something
After you pass the grocery store, go two more blocks and then make a left.
(plural) a set of steps that go from one level of a building or structure to another level
These stairs are very steep.
A street is a road in a city, town, or village, usually with houses along it.
Every afternoon, she would take her dog for a walk down her busy street.
an area behind or near the house
I have never seen a place with a backyard in Korea.
a device that is used for cooking food over an open fire, usually outdoors
Why don't we barbecue some chicken on the grill tonight?
a period of time when something or someone stops an activity before continuing again later
When working long hours in a chair, it's important to take a break now and then to stand up and stretch.
to do something special for a holiday or other event
Many people celebrate Easter by going to church.
day off
a day when one does not have to go to work or school
I get fourteen days off a year.
a time of rest, free time or travel, when a person does not have to work, often due to a national celebration
holidays are always exciting!
to request something or ask someone to attend an event or go somewhere in a formal, polite manner
Did you invite John to your party?
a person who lives near another person
My neighbors are very loud at night.
very likely
Tom probably will go to the party tomorrow.
to start happening; to make sth start happening
The movie will start in ten minutes.
involving action or physical effort
David needs an active lifestyle.
involving action or physical effort
David needs an active lifestyle.
the hair that grows on a man's cheeks, chin, and upper neck
Most world leaders today do not wear beards.
come from
~부터 오다, ~출신이다
He comes from a very faraway place.
such as
Some animals, like the owl, sleep during the day and are awake at night.
making a lot of sound or noise; loud
Drums are too noisy to be played in the house.
not any of something, or not one of a group
none of my children have blond hair.
in the current time, in comparison to the past
nowadays, most children have cell phones and laptops.
a person who comes to a place to see someone or something
We will have two visitors to our office today.
a book in which lists words in ALPHABETICAL order and gives their meaning in the same or another language
I spent the day looking up words in the dictionary.
in, at, or to each and every place
The bag of rice burst open and now rice is everywhere!
more than what is normal or expected
Having a part time job will provide you with extra money.
as a replacement; because another thing is not possible or not preferable
I would like a cookie instead of a piece of cake, please.
A locker is a small metal or wooden cupboard with a lock, where you can put your personal possessions.
Put your jacket and backpack in your locker.
past tense of lose
I lost my keys, but then I found them on the table.
a course in school where students participate in activities and learn about health and fitness
I enjoy pe class because we get to play soccer and basketball.
one of two main parts of an academic year at many schools and colleges
This semester I am doing a lot of sports.
Are you sure you don't want to come to the party with me?
a book used by students for a standard work for a particular branch of study
The new science textbooks are very heavy.
next to
I sit beside my best friend at lunch.
a measure of progress or importance
I was only angry with you to a degree.
a prediction of some future event or condition
The weather forecast for the next three days is fine.
as cold as ice
The morning air in January is freezing.
get wet
I got wet in the rainstorm.
to feel a severe, deep sense of dislike or anger towards someone or something
I hate it when I forget my wallet at home.
as a replacement; because another thing is not possible or not preferable
Would you like some French fries instead of potato chips?
being completely without faults or mistakes
Life is much easier once you realize that nothing is perfect.
a measure of hotness or coldness
The doctor checked Sue's temperature when she had a fever.
being rare or uncommon; not ordinary
It was unusual for Tom to do household chores.
a piece of furniture that books are commonly placed
There is a large bookshelf in the living room with several books and magazines.
a book in which lists words in ALPHABETICAL order and gives their meaning in the same or another language
A dictionary will help you learn new words.
to get back a thing lost
Tom couldn't find his socks anywhere!
not to give back or return something
Did you keep my pen that you borrowed?
look for
to try to find
I was looking for a scarf to buy as a present for my friend's birthday.
close to; not far from
I think I live near your house.
a piece of JEWELRY that hangs around the neck
Marc always wears his necklace with a cross on it
a TROPICAL bird, with brightly colored FEATHERS, a curved bill, and the ability to copy sounds, such as human speech
Some pirates have a parrot on their shoulder.
the sides of a room or building
A wall separates the kitchen from the dinning room.
referring to all of something; entire
Kevin and Frank ate the whole pizza by themselves.
being without light or without much light
Tom is afraid of the dark.
being the one or the other of two
I don't think either of these movies are funny.
being costly; having a high price or value
Sue bought an expensive dress, but now she can't pay rent.
to use hands or arms to carry or keep something
Joseph was holding the bag in his hands.
being the most important or largest
The main thing to remember is that your happiness is most important.
a large building with many different stores that you can shop at
Shopping at the mall is convenient but it is usually crowded.
very likely
Tom probably will go to the party tomorrow.
pants that usually end at the knees
I was wearing a pair of shorts because it was so warm outside.
to use money in order to buy something
Don’t spend all your money on comic books!
having stripes or bands
Jerry's striped shirt looked really nice on him.
to be appropriate, acceptable, or convenient for someone
Don't worry about choosing a restaurant that suits me. I can eat anything. suit yourself.
a place made for keeping fishes and water plants
I enjoy looking at the fish in my huge aquarium.
the scientific study of the structure of substances and of the way that they react with other substances
chemistry is a difficult subject, but it is very interesting.
used when talking about someone or something that is not included with others
He did well in all of his subjects except math.
a person who leads others on a course or journey
Our tour guide explained the importance of the area.
to go away from something or someone
You can leave after you turn in your test.
pieces of writing, such as novels, stories, poems and plays that are regarded as excellent and important
Modern literature has a broad range of styles.
a place where objects from the field of art, science, or history are displayed and shown to the public
The history museum is closed on Sundays. normal cells.
feeling uneasy or anxious about something
I was so nervous during the audition that I couldn’t stop my knees from shaking.
the process or activity of performing an action repeatedly in order to improve a skill
practice makes perfect.
one of two main parts of an academic year at many schools and colleges
This semester I am doing a lot of sports.
to close ones teeth onto something
Have a bite of my cake.
involving danger, harm, or death
That construction site is very dangerous.
not to like (someone or something)
I really dislike the taste of spinach.
to feel unhappy because of the absence of someone or something
Pablo really misses his mom.
to place a request for a product or food or drink
Please order me some coffee at the cafe.
an animal, such as a dog or cat, that a person lives with and cares for
I have a monkey for a pet.
prefer to
to choose or want one thing rather than another
I prefer to stay home and read rather than going out to a movie.
to ease something, or release the tightness in something, such as a MUSCLE
After the exams, we all needed to relax.
take care of
look after
The mother had to quit her job and take care of her son when he became disabled from the accident.
a plant that is raised and eaten as food
vegetable soup is actually very delicious.
to put one or more separate things together
add up the numbers and see what you get.
to have as a price
The trip will cost you $1,000.
to separate something into two or more sections
We divided the cake into 8 pieces.
as much as is needed
I have enough money to buy a new bike.
have to
to be obligated to do something
I have to stay late at work.
a small part that has broken off of something larger
Tommy gave me a piece of his watermelon.
something a person receives for winning a contest or doing something very well
Tom didn't win the prize he wanted.
to exchange a thing or service for money
That man tried to sell me a stolen good.
to take away particular values or amounts from other values or amounts
You need to subtract these numbers to get the correct answer.
reached after adding or counting something
The total number of jelly beans in one packet is 218.
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